1 article for "Golden Number"
Golden Number [DeVore]The number of any year in the Metonic Cycle of 235 Lunations (q.v.), which equals 6939d. 16h. 3im., or approximately 19 years. It is used in fixing the date of Easter. The cycle begins with the year in which the lunation falls on January 1st in the tenth degree of Capricorn, which it did in the year beginning the Christian era (1 B.C.). To find the Golden Number of any year: Add 1, divide by 19; the remainder indicates the number of the cycle. If there is no remainder the Golden Number is 19. Because the sum of solar and lunar inequalities vary in different years the matter of determining the date and longitude of the lunations may be in error as much as 2 days either earlier or later. At the Gregorian Reformation of 1582 it was superseded by the Epacts. (q.v.)
See also:
♦ Cycle ♦ Metonic Cycle
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