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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





6 articles for "Minor"

Minor Aspect [Astro*Index]

Most commonly, the semisextile, novile, semisquare, septile, quintile, sesquiquadrate, biquintile, and quincunx. Said to be less influential than the major aspects, though there is no general agreement on this, especially concerning the semisquare and sesquisquare.

See also:
♦ Semisextile ♦ Novile Aspect ♦ Semisquare ♦ Septile ♦ Quintile ♦ Sesquiquadrate ♦ Biquintile ♦ Quincunx ♦ Major Aspect
Minor Axis [Astro*Index]

The shortest possible diameter of an ellipse, it bisects the major axis and is perpendicular to it. (The line connecting the aphelion and perihelion is termed the line of the apsides, or major axis. It is the longest possible diameter of an ellipse.

See also:
♦ Ellipse ♦ Aphelion ♦ Perihelion ♦ Line of the Apsides
Minor Planet [Astro*Index]

This term is preferred by astronomers, and is synonomous with the term asteroid.

See also:
♦ Asteroid
Minor Planet [Munkasey M.]

Usually used in the sense of another term for "Asteroid".

See also:
♦ Asteroid
Minor Progression [Astro*Index]

A predictive technique based on the ideas that one lunar period in the ephemeris is as a year in a person's life. For example, the positions of the planets at the 25th lunar month after birth are considered to represent the 25th year of life. The ratio usually used is 13.368 lunar months to one year. For the three lunar periods in current use, see entry under tertiary progression.

See also:
♦ Progression
Minor Progression [Prima]

One of several methods of progression.

Minor progressions are month-for-a-year progressions, thus relating the sidereal lunar cycle (the Moon's monthly return to the same degree) to the yearly cycle (the Earth's orbit around the Sun). This means that the positions of the planets 15 lunar months after one's birth are related to the 15th year of one's life.

As in all measurements based on lunar cycles, the symbolism of the Moon, with its links to nurturing activities and emotional needs, can be expected to find expression through the issues and developments arising under these progressions.

See also:
♦ Progression


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine


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