2 articles for "Periodical Lunation"
Periodical Lunation [Astro*Index]An astrological chart computed for the moment when the Transiting Moon's phase (Moon-Sun angle) is exactly the same as that found in the Natal Chart. It is often employed for monthly forecasts in a manner similar to the use of the Lunar Return (for monthly forecasts), or the Solar Return (for annual forecasts).
See also:Periodical Lunation [DeVore]
♦ Embolismic Lunation ♦ Transit ♦ Lunar Return ♦ Solar Return
A Figure cast for the Moon's synodic period, when it returns to the exact degree held at birth. It is often employed for monthly forecasts in a manner similar to the Solar Revolution (q.v.) for annual forecasts. A true Figure for the Moon's periodical return is difficult to construct, because of the Moon's acceleration from hour to hour.
See also:
♦ Embolismic Lunation ♦ Transit ♦ Lunar Return ♦ Solar Return
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine