3 articles for "Return"
Return [Astro*Index]An astrological chart for the moment at which a given body `returns' to the zodiacal position it held in some radical chart (typically, the Natal chart). Most often applied to the Sun and Moon, but also used in the sense of a planetary return. For example, The Saturn Return occurs on the date at which Saturn returns to the degree it occupied at the time of the native's birth. The Solar Return occurs on or about the birthdate; a Lunar Return occurs 13 times each year. Other Return Charts are computed for the moment when a body makes a `hard' aspect to its original place: The Demi-Return is computed for the opposition 180° point; the Quarti-Returns are computed for the squares (90°) points; the Ennead is computed at points which are multiples of 40° distant from the original place.
See also:Return [Munkasey M.]
♦ Converse Return ♦ Incremental Return ♦ Lunar Return ♦ Phase Angle ♦ Precessed Return ♦ Solar Return ♦ Solunar Return ♦ Natal Chart
Used in the sense of a Solar, Lunar, or Planetary return. The return of the longitude circle of a body in a given horoscope to that same zodiacal position as had been previously noted in that horoscope.
See also:Return to Zodiac Point [Astro*Index]
♦ Converse Return ♦ Incremental Return ♦ Lunar Return ♦ Phase Angle ♦ Precessed Return ♦ Solar Return ♦ Solunar Return ♦ Natal Chart
The date or time at which a body returns to a specific degree, not necessarily its position in the Natal chart.
See also:
♦ Zodiacal Longitude
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine