3 articles for "Syzygy"
Syzygy [Astro*index][Gr. suzugos, yoked together, paired; conjugation]
A conjunction or opposition of two bodies, especially of the Sun and Moon. This phenomenon requires an alignment of 3 bodies (one of which is the Earth) in a (nearly) straight line. The Moon is in syzygy with the Sun at New and Full Moon.
See also:Syzygy [Munkasey M.]
♦ New Moon ♦ Full Moon
The position of the Moon when it is either New or Full. Also, positions of binary stars when one eclipses the other.
See also:Syzygy [DeVore]
♦ New Moon ♦ Full Moon
Literally a yoking together. often loosely applied to any conjunction or opposition; particularly of a planet with the Sun, and close to the ecliptic whereby the Earth and the two bodies are in a straight line. In its use in connection with the calculation of Tide Tables it applies to the conjunctions and oppositions of Sun and Moon near the Node.
See also:
♦ New Moon ♦ Full Moon
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine