Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine
2 articles for "Under the Sunbeams"
Under the Sunbeams [Astro*Index]Horary Astrology. A minor condition of accidental debility in which a planet is between 8.5° and 17° of the Sun. Anthony Louis suggests that the origin of this term might be "the heliacal rising of the Moon which is obscured by the Sun's light until it is 17° away from the Sun."
See also:Under the Sunbeams [DeVore]
♦ Sol, Parameters of Influence ♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Accidental Debility ♦ Louis, Anthony
Said of a planet that is less than 17° distant in longitude from the Sun. It was once reckoned unfavorable though not as much so as combust. Modern authorities, however, form more discriminating and less categorical judgments, by taking into consideration the intrinsic character of the planets and other attending conditions. v. Cazimi.
See also:
♦ Cazimi ♦ Sol, Parameters of Influence ♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Accidental Debility ♦ Louis, Anthony
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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