Book Title:
Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook by Debbie Kempton Smith Date Published: 1999

This book from Bantam is one of the most readable, and certainly the funniest astrology book ever written. But, the beauty of it is that it's full of insight and intelligent information. Debbi Kempton Smith has succeeded in writing a book that's perfect for beginners, students and pros. Her sharp edged humor spares no one, so sensitive souls with lots of water in their charts should be prepared for the jokes.
This is, nevertheless, a skillful discussion of planets, signs, houses, aspects, retrogrades, the basic building blocks of astrology. A beginner can gain a pretty solid understanding of how astrology works from this single book. There are descriptions of planets and the ascendant in each sign, each one written with a liveliness rarely found in astrological literature. This paperback (a low price bargain) even has tables showing the reader what sign each of their planets is in! It's a complete course that's so easy to take that you'll even enjoy reading it on the beach. Secrets even touches on eclipses, Chiron, the void-of-course Moon and horary astrology. This book, though, is not an encyclopedia of dry, carefully researched facts. It's more like racing through the mind of a brilliant astrologer, one who seems to be having so much fun that we can't help but enjoy and learn with her.
If you're looking for a Jungian analysis of your horoscope with Ficinoesque overtones derived from the Liz Greene school of depth astrology you've come to the wrong place. But, if you want to hear the witty voice of a keen-eyed observer of human behavior, and learn the nuts and bolts of astrology at the same time, you've come to the right place.