Book Title:
Identifying Planetary Triggers by Celeste Teal Date Published: 2000

Making predictions is one of the most coveted aspects of astrology. If you are called on to make predictions, you need to be confident of your precision and accuracy. Now you can add to your predictive methods some exciting ideas and techniques with the book Identifying Planetary Triggers by Celeste Teal.
The book is divided into three major areas. The first concerns progressed charts. The second looks at planetary returns and the third section is focused on transits. Together they form a synergy, which can make your accuracy quite astounding.
The section on transits was originally written by Dr. J. Heber Smith, the first astrology teacher to coach famed astrologer Evangeline Adams. Adams proved her accuracy as an astrologer in court and attributed much of her success to the teachings of Dr. Smith. His information is presented here, unedited and in the original late nineteenth-century style. It is claimed that a rival of Evangeline Adams paid $150 for a typewritten copy of this material. And this was at a time when a loaf of bread would cost a nickel!
If you are a professional astrologer, or if you are a casual practitioner, this book is a must. You will learn more about the art of prediction in this one book than you might have as a result of years of study and research. Filled with stories and charts to clarify what is being explained, you're going to find that Identifying Planetary Triggers will be an important book in understanding how to use astrology to make predictions.

Publisher Comments:
Many astrologers focus on ways of interpreting the psychology of individuals and their relationships with the help of the stars. Now you can set yourself apart by giving a wide variety of accurate and precise predictions, thanks to Celeste Teal's Identifying Planetary Triggers. Teal is an associate member of the American Federation of Astrologers and has written many articles for astrological magazines. With this book you can reap the rewards of her years of research in order to be able to make giving predictions a part of your astrological practice. Even if you're not a professional, you're going to find that this book will open up new vistas of interpretation in the readings you give to yourself and others.
Numerous techniques are given and illustrated with examples and charts so you'll understand how to use progressions, returns, and transits for making predictions. The notion of precessions, diurnals, anlunars, and more are included to add even more depth to your interpretive abilities.
The book includes a table of the Moons nodal positions from 1935 to 2054 so you can use the information on these nodes and their transits and aspects in any kind of chart. The book concludes with a wonderful glossary to make study easier and clearer.
Teal writes, "I believe that in the future we will look back and find it hard to imagine a time when everyone wasn't astrologically knowledgeable. My goal is to help make forecasting simple so that one can plan more wisely."
When you work with this book you'll see that she has succeeded.