Reflecting Upon a Neptune Transit Date Published:Bil Tierney has been certified and licensed for professional astrology since 1972. He has written two books, including Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, and has written several articles for astro-journals and newsletters. Bil has lectured and given workshops across the USA and Canada. He has just completed a new book about Saturn.
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis is all about aspects and aspect configurations (T-Squares, Yods, Mystic Rectangles), plus excellent information about retrograde planets, unaspected planets, and more. Dynamics of Aspect Analysis is recognized as a unique source of ideas found nowhere else in astrology. Bil's clarity and precision make this a classic appreciated by beginners and professionals alike. It is published by CRCS Publications, and retails for $13.95. It is a 277 page soft bound edition (first published in 1983), and is now published in five languages.
Neptune transits are very difficult to pinpoint in terms of possible end-results, partially due to the often vague and undefined nature of the planet itself. Neptune has a very gradual, somewhat seductive influence upon the planet or house it is transiting. It slowly dissolves and often erodes structures we have built for ourselves, especially defective ones. If such faulty structures have become too tight, rigid, or suffocating for us on some level, Neptune's power to weaken bonds and allow long standing conditions to "melt" away can prevent us from feeling trapped and imprisoned (at least upon a soul level). Yet life is apt to look very messy during this meltdown phase, since such structural breakdown tends to create temporarily distorted manifestations.
Neptune also encourages an openness to invisible spiritual currents of life. As a result we find ourselves typically surrendering to impulses that help break down our ego defenses and sensitize our awareness of a higher guiding principle. Neptune is our "Let Go and let God…" planet. Due to this planet's weblike influence, we often have a harder time during its major transits feeling separate from relationships and situational conditions around us; on some level, we can merge and become one with them. Yet such existing attachments can be often threatening to our ego's status quo (a Sun/Saturn theme). We may learn the hard way the importance of pulling free from our dependencies rather than be swallowed up. Thus, Neptune may be very active during times of major identity-crises demanding uncompromising self-examination. Soul-searching is a Neptune theme.
A key concept important to undergoing an effective Neptunian transit is discrimination. It's as if we have to consciously draw from the best that the essence of Virgo can offer (not skepticism, but selectivity). We are more sensitized to a wider range of external forces during our major Neptune transits, and will probably we stirred on the heart level. Cool-headed rationality and calm logic can elude us. An emotionality that can either smack of sentimentalism, a strange sense of nostalgia, and even spirit-filled relevation can envelope our consciousness during this transits. Our impressions are vivid and very real to us, and probably because they echo within a deep inner yearning at the depths of our being.
Still, such depth doesn't always accompany clarity and focus. As a result, Neptune energy is not easily directed towards well-defined objectives. But perhaps such goal-orientation is not as important during a major Neptune transit as is the need to dislodge and breakdown all that subjectively dams us up and prevents the fulfillment of future aspirations. Neptune first has to loosen the reigns of our own self-thwarting defenses, liberating our untapped potentials.
Neptune is oriented toward unification and wholeness, whereby units of separate, self-contained energy/consciousness are apt to merge and amalgamate. For example: A drop of rainwater falls into the sea and is lost forever as a distinct drop; and yet the sea would be less than what it is without the addition of that drop. This is the Neptune's fusion principle in action. The individual form or structure becomes subsumed and even rendered invisible as it blends into the totality of the greater. This might be fine for a mere drop of water, but can we always afford our developing egos to undergo such a dissolving process?
Underdeveloped egos (implied by poor Sun/Saturn core integration) are particularly inclined to lose vital parts of their selfhood during difficult Neptune transits (and quite so if there are tensional natal Neptune aspects to begin with). They become empty vessels ripe for the onrush of Neptune energy (which can at times be chaotic in its kaleidoscopic outpouring of images and mood-altering compulsions). We could feel ourselves tranported to an inner ideal world (rich in deep understanding and inspirational vision), or we might feel ourselves losing our grasp on our personal framework of reality altogether.
Although we like to idealize Neptune as rich in expansive agape love and universal compassion, under certain conditions, it can also symbolize deep but turbulent "inner waters" that thrash us about on an angry unconscious sea of emotions.Although we like to idealize Neptune as rich in expansive agape love and universal compassion, under certain conditions, it can also symbolize deep but turbulent "inner waters" that thrash us about on an angry unconscious sea of emotions (the "Poseidon" side of Neptune). Poseidon was often a stormy, temperamental god (and recent astronomical findings regarding cloud-shrouded planet Neptune have also confirmed a turbulent atmosphere).
So, what are we to constructively do with our Neptune transits? I suggest try to accept that possibility that some parts of our inner nature have become too frail due to unexamined vulnerabilities, and cannot support healthy structures in their current state. Rather than have these parts remain as our perpetual blind-spots, we can now look at and accept the hurt and pain we have accumulated from our past. We can learn to validate the psychological injuries we have long harbored, consciously claim them, and then begin the process of (self)forgiveness and wound-healing. Neptune is associated with miraculous conversions. We can thus undergo a transformative state whereby we can redeem our goodness and recognize our spiritual identity. Amazing grace, indeed!
On a less heavy note, Neptune transits can also put us in touch with the awesome but less obvious wonders of the sensory world. Thru nature or thru the powers of our creative imagination, we can feel inspired to expose our senses to uplifting sights and sounds. Panoramic vistas of unearthly physical beauty are Neptunian. Music that touches the heart and soul of our being is Neptunian. And working with color in general (thru the arts) is Neptunian. In both large and small ways, we can evoke Neptune energy by taking time for the cultivation of the aethestic.
A walk thru a museum can be an excellent short-term way to utilize a Neptune transit, as would devoting ourselves to creating a magical-looking spring/summer rock garden. Neptune wishes us to be involved in activities that enchant and enrapture us in healthy ways. All spiritual rituals that put us in contact with our divine spark are Neptunian. This could be a time to find the quiet place inside that transcends the worldly day-to-day grind of cruder material survival. Do whatever it takes to make you soar with inspiration or feel whole with inner peace and bliss— long as your chosen path is one of soul enhancement and not self-destructive entrapment
One last thought: Neptune transits are not easy to process. And we seldom appreciate the alterations they put us thru until we regain greater objectivity a few years later and look back on matters. But if we "do our Neptune right," we will find we have developed an inner resilience that allows us to quietly go within and self-renew when elements of external living become too fragmented or draining. Our Neptune transits, throughout of life span, attempt to make us emotionally aware that we are spirit first and foremost. And that living on Earth is a temporary but necessary stage of our evolution. With Neptune, nothing remains static and unalterable, including our greatest fears. And remember, little that happens to us is as 'good" or "bad" as it appears to be!
© Copyright: Bil Tierney
Other articles by Bil Tierney
Reflecting on a Saturn Transit
Reflecting Upon a Uranus Transit