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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





4 articles for "Cadent"

Cadent [DeVore]

Those houses which fall away from the angles; the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses. Cadent Planets are those which occupy Cadent Houses, and whose influence is thereby weakened. v. Houses.

See also: ♦ Houses ♦ Location by House Type
Cadent House [Astro*Index]

Astrological houses 3, 6, 9, 12, which succeed or "fall" from the succeedent houses. The cadent houses are associated with the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, respectively.

See also: ♦ Houses ♦ Succeedent House ♦ Third House ♦ Sixth House ♦ Ninth House ♦ Twelfth House ♦ Mutable Sign ♦ Angular
Cadent House [Prima]

The following houses are cadent (Latin "cadere," to fall):

Third House
Sixth House
Ninth House
Twelfth House

Cadent houses follow or "fall" after the succedent houses. The cadent houses are associated with the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces respectively.

Dorotheus includes all of the cadent houses except the ninth among the "evil" houses, as did Lilly. The cadents are the last of three houses to rise on each of the four angles of the horoscope.

Today it is a general maxim in astrology that the cadent houses are the weakest ones of the horoscope. Many astrologers ignore this altogether, treating the houses humanistically as different manifestations of experience, none better or worse than the others. From this point of view cadent houses are of a universalizing and harmonizing nature, tending to fulfill or disintegrate the processes initiated by the active (angular) houses.

See also: ♦ Houses ♦ Succeedent House ♦ Third House ♦ Sixth House ♦ Ninth House ♦ Twelfth House ♦ Mutable Sign ♦ Angular
Cadent Planet [Astro*Index]

Traditional term for a planet that occupies one of the cadent houses (3, 6, 9, 12). All but the ninth house are traditionally said to weaken the influence of a planet. Statistical research by Gauquelin and others has prompted

See also: ♦ Cadent House


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine


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