7 articles for "Houses"
Houses [Munkasey M.](1) A wedge like division of space around the Eclipticwhich astrologers use to divide space. These divisions are referred to by their numbers, such as: the second house", the ninth house", etc. Houses are generally numbered counterclockwise from the Ascendant, with the house which begins at the Ascendant being called "the first house".
(2) The names of the different systems for dividing space, such as "Placidian", "Koch", etc.
See also:Houses [DeVore]
♦ House Systems ♦ Ascendant ♦ Midheaven ♦ First House ♦ Second House ♦ Third House ♦ Fourth House ♦ Fifth House ♦ Sixth House ♦ Seventh House ♦ Eighth House ♦ Ninth House ♦ Tenth House ♦ Eleventh House ♦ Twelfth House ♦ Angular Houses ♦ Succedent Houses ♦ Cadent Houses
An astrological Figure is divided into 12 arcs, equal either in terms of space or time. If in terms of space the arcs are of 30° each, one twelfth of the circle of 360°.
If these begin at 0° Aries they are known as the Signs of the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, and represent subdivisions of the orbit of the Earth round the Sun. As such they are Signs, not Houses. They bear no relation to the constellations after which they were anciently named, but are measured from the Spring equinoctial point.
If the subdivision begins at a given moment, and each represents the celestial arc that passes over the horizon ill 2 hours — one twelfth of the time required for one complete rotation — the divisions are known as Houses.
In considering the divisions of the Figure as consisting of Signs, the Figure is deemed to stand still while one contemplates the actual motions of the planets in their orbits round the Sun, in a counter-clockwise direction. In considering the divisions as Houses, the observer deems the planets to stand still while the Figure (represent- ing the Earth) rotates in a counter-clockwise direction, thus causing the planets to appear to move in a clockwise direction at a uniform rate, one after another passing from below the horizon to above it, and on through the Midheaven to the Descendant, just as the Sun rises and sets.
There are also Solar Houses-subdivisions of a Figure which, because the moment of inception, otherwise "birth-moment," is unknown-cast with the Sun's degree at Greenwich noon as the Rising Degree, or Ascendant. In the House-divisions so determined are placed the planets in the positions they tenanted at Greenwich noon on that particular date. Such a Figure is termed by some: a Heliarc Figure (q.v.).
In any event one should at all times bear in mind that the Signs are divisions of an annual cycle, beginning with the Spring Equinox; while the Houses arc divisions of a daily cycle of apparent motions resulting from the Earth's own daily rotation on its axis. Some modern authorities employ the term Heliarc in lieu of Sign as a subdivision of the Earth's annual orbit, and Geoarc in lieu of House as the subdivision of the orbit of a given point on the Earth's periphery round the axis — hence a subdivision of the Earth's daily rotation.
Thus the influence of the Sign-positions, and the pattern of con- figurations resulting from the places the planets occupy therein, are a common experience of everyone born anywhere on the Earth's surface upon that day; but the point at which a personality enters into this cycle is an individual factor which determines the "angle of incidence" at which these cosmic impulses impinge upon his own consciousness.
Due to the inclination of the polar axis in its relationship to the Sun, the number of degrees which pass over the horizon in 2 hours varies with the time of year and the latitude of the place where the birth occurs. While the Midheaven-point moves reasonably steady from day to day throughout the year, the rising and setting-points vary, lengthening into the "long winter evenings" and shortening into the so-called "Daylight Saving" period of long days and short summer nights.
Before considering all the factors entering into the problem of House definition and terminology, remember that a House is a two- hour segment of a twenty-four-hour cycle, repeated each day with minor variants. The beginning of the First House is the degree that from a given point on the Earth's surface was rising above the eastern horizon at a given moment of time. This point is the Ascendant, just as the opposite point is the Descendant. Between them is the Mid- heaven, and the opposite point below the Earth, the so-called Immum Coeli, viz.: the Lowest Heaven. These are the Angles of the Figure. The Houses which fall away from these Angles are termed the Angular Houses. Note that as your horizon falls down, the planets -which are thus uncovered-rise up. The next Houses are termed the Succedent Houses, and these are midway between the Angles. The remaining four Houses, which precede the Angles, are termed the Cadent Houses. Numerically these are summed up as follows:
Angular: | 1, 4, 7, 10 | — the strongest positions in any Figure. |
Succedent: | 2, 5, 8, 11 | — possibly of no less strength than the Angles, though they attract less public notice. |
Cadent: | 3, 6, 9, 12 | — the weakest positions. |
In a Birth Figure many planets in Cadent Houses may confer versatility. In Horary Astrology planets in these Houses are considered to produce delays. James Wilson says that a cadent planet seldom brings to pass any event of which it is the Significator, or if at all then it will be when all hope has vanished; also that when obtained it is either useless or detrimental to the querent's interests.
Other groupings are:
Individual or Life Houses:
1, 5, 9 — representing respectively the body, soul, and spirit or mind: the Trinity of Life.
Temporal or Possessive Houses:
representing the temporal status of the native:
2 — Possessions and property;
6 — Comforts, such as food, clothing, health and servants;
10 — Honor and credit, business or professional standing, position in society: the Trinity of Wealth.
Relative or Association Houses:
having to do with human relationtionships.
3 — Ties of Consanguinity — brothers, sisters, close relatives;
7 — Ties of conjugality and legality, such as marriage and partnership;
11 — Ties of friendship; close associates and advisers: the Trinity of Association.
Terminal or Psychic Houses:
referring to eventualities, particularly to the termination of conditions in the native's life, and the psychological reaction to their contemplation.
4 — The environment in each epoch of life, with particular reference to old age;
8 — The influence of others upon his environment, particularly with respect to the effect upon him of their death, by way of inheritance and inherited responsibilities;
12 — Confinement and other hindering influences which retard the fruition of the soul's yearnings: the Trinity of Psychism.
These esoteric realms have been compared to three degrees of death: 4th, of the mind; 8th, of the body; 12th, of the soul. Or, as taken from the Kabala, according to this table:
Personal: | 1. The body. | 5. The soul. | 9. The spirit. |
Possessive: | 2. Wealth. | 6. The Household. | 10. Honor. |
Relative: | 3. Consanguine. | 7. Conjugal. | 11. Congenial. |
Terminal: | 4. The grave. | 8. Paradise. | 12. Heaven. |
Another grouping, of modern origin and based largely on statistical research, is:
Self: | 12th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. |
Companions: | 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th. |
Public: | 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. |
Eastern Houses:
Those in the Eastern half of the Figure, containing planets rising toward the Midheaven; viz.: the 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 12th, 11th, 10th. Of these, the three above the horizon containing planets which, moving clockwise against the order of the Signs, are passing away from the horizon toward their culmination at the Midheaven — are considered to confer upon these planets added strength "by position."
Western Houses:
Those in the Western half of the Figure: 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th. Posited in these Houses, malefic planets are said to be strengthened and benefic planets weakened- particularly as regards their influence upon the native's health. An advisable distinction would be to classify the Twelve Houses as Eastern and Western and confine the Oriental Houses to the 12th, 11th and 10th, and the Occidental to the 4th, 5th, and 6th — those which culminate at either the oriental or occidental side of the meridian for which the Figure is cast.
Oriental Houses:
Those which extend clockwise from the horizon to the meridian: The 12th, 11th, 10th, 6th, 5th and 4th.
Occidental Houses:
Those which extend clockwise from the meridian to the horizon: The 9th, 8th, 7th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st.
Zodiacal House is a misnomer, for that would mean a Sign, a subdivision of an orbital revolution rather than of an axial rotation. The term Mundane House, once used to distinguish between two types of so-called Houses, is thus unnecessary, since properly termed all Houses arc mundane Houses.
See also:Houses, Ancient Greek Names of [Astro*Index]
♦ House Systems ♦ Ascendant ♦ Midheaven ♦ First House ♦ Second House ♦ Third House ♦ Fourth House ♦ Fifth House ♦ Sixth House ♦ Seventh House ♦ Eighth House ♦ Ninth House ♦ Tenth House ♦ Eleventh House ♦ Twelfth House ♦ Angular Houses ♦ Succedent Houses ♦ Cadent Houses
Aries: | Krios (Kree-ós) |
Taurus: | Tavros (Tá- vros) |
Gemini: | Didimoi (Deé- dee-mee) |
Cancer: | Karkinos (Kar-keé-nos) |
Leo: | Leon (Lé-on) |
Virgo: | Parthenos (Pa-rthé-nos) |
Libra: | Zygos (Zee-gós) |
Scorpio: | Skorpios (Sko-rpee-ós) |
Sagittarius: | Toksotis (To-ksó-tees) |
Capricorn: | Aigokeros (E-gó-ke-ros) |
Aquarius: | Ydrohoos (Ee-dro-hóos). |
Pisces: | Ihtheis (Ee-htheés) |
In the tradition of Dorotheus of Sidon, there were seven good or fortunate houses and five unfortunate houses.
The fortunate houses, in decreasing order of beneficence, were 1, 10, 11, 5, 7, 4, 9.
The fortunate houses, in decreasing order of maleficence, were 12, 6, 8, 2, 3.
William Lilly took these lists and rank-ordered the power of the houses for his horary work as follows: 1, 10, 7, 4, 11, 5, 9, 3, 2, 8, 6, 12.
Planets were ill-placed in the last three especially.
Lilly also deemed a planet fortunately placed in the house of its Joy. A planet was also fortunately place in the house of which it was consignificator. Lilly singled out the second house as bad horary placements for the Sun and Mars, as he did for Mars and Saturn in the fifth, seventh, and ninth houses. He considered the Sun or Jupiter in the 10th house to be fortunate.
See also:Houses, Meaning of [DeVore]
♦ Lilly, William ♦ Joy
The significance of each House, basically and as related to the other Houses, without considering the modifications that result from the positions and aspects of radical, progressed or transiting planets, is as follows:
The First House
In a Nativity: The cusp of the Ascendant, the first and most important of the four Angles of any Figure, marks the Eastern end of the Line of Particular Being; the Irrational Axis, or culminating point of the eastern hemisphere — a Line of Awareness of Self and of Others. Hence, it becomes the Point of Dualism of Consciousness, and the Angle of Fulfillment.
Representing Selfhood, its primary significance is Action: Destiny in the making. It defines and particularizes the native, his personal appearance, disposition and manner, moral and subjective viewpoint and motivating impulses — Personality as distinguished from Indi- viduality; and is an index to his birth, environment in early childhood, outlook upon life, and will to manifest; personal power over himself and others; carriage, mein, walk, and manner of approach; complexion, skin, head, face, brain, and the shape and size of his body; opinion of himself and of others, their opinion of him, and the impression he makes upon them; habits, desires and personal interests; capacity for self-development; vitality, health in consequence of personal habits, the inherent strength of his physical constitution; mental and emotional qualities and attitudes; worldly outlook, and the quality, bent and direction of his cravings and their gratification; attitude toward his possessions, and other things that affect the ego; circumstances and situations that result from his acts; consciousness of the future.
The First House has to do with a man's grandmother, or a woman's grandfather. (v. Fourth House.) The Ruler of the Rising Sign indicates the influences that were at work previous to birth.
When the Lord of the First also rules the sign on the cusp of the Twelfth, it becomes an index to his Destiny or Fate.
As the Ascendant provides a key to the native's mentality and the quality of his will power, the Sixth House, its Ruler and occupants, portrays what use he makes of them.
In a Mundane Figure: The body politic. The country and its inhabitants as a whole: the people, the masses; their prosperity and health, or the reverse; their national traits and habits; the country's interior affairs; the public consciousness and collective expression; the psychology of the masses, their reactions and conditions.
In a Political Campaign: the majority. In a Contest: the public favorite; the holder of the title; the one who is challenged; the decision or decisions of the referee. In a Lawsuit: the defendant; also the decision or sentence of the Court. In an Organization: its personnel — including the stockholders and all who work for the company in any capacity; the company's morale and its attitude toward its competitors.
The Second House
In a Nativity: Repository of the native's strongest desires, it determines the quality of the life-substance used by the Ego — that which the Life is dedicated to redeem; the heredity and social background with which the native is equipped for the pursuit of his destiny, and the bodily chemistry of metabolism; secret thoughts and desires; financial standing, money, moveable property and possessions, the gain or loss and the income derived therefrom; earning and spending capacities, personal debts; the manner in which he meets his obligations.
In a Mundane Figure: The nation's wealth; taxation revenue, stocks, bonds, shares, and all places and activities connected in any way with money, such as banks, stock exchanges, trade and commerce; the national exports; taxing power, as distinct from the manner in which the taxes affect the people; the purchasing power of the nation, its national expenditures and receipts, currency and its circulation and liquid assets; hence the wealth and prosperity of the people as measured by their collective earning and buying power; investors and their investments, and those who buy stocks and bonds for investment rather than for speculation.
In a National Figure: the Treasury. In an Organization: its liquid assets and voluntary expenditures; the ability of the Company to earn profits; its disposition toward investments.
The Third House
In a Nativity: The synthetizing powers of the mind and its ability to form sense impressions and mold destiny within one's social environment; dexterity, cleverness, duality, restlessness; the rational mind and its adaptability to education; short journeys; brothers, sisters and near blood relationships, and their attitude toward the native; acquaintances and neighbors, their character and reputation; writings and communications, news and rumors; changes and removals; daily comings and goings; accidents; memory, perception, speech; personal advertising and publicity.
In a Mundane Figure: Inland transit, traffic and communications by land, air or water; the nature of the public demands upon and the degree of public patronage accorded to the nation's transportation and communication facilities; the postal, telegraph and telephone systems, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines and ephemeral publications; the people's inclination to travel, move about, make changes and communicate with one another within the nation; the nation's intellectual activities and its relations with neighboring nations; the reading public, and its tendency to patronize the newspapers and other periodicals; indications relative to rumors, public opinion, the mental and psychological attitude of the masses; emigration as distinct from immigration; and the effects of storms, temperature changes and atmospheric conditions within the country.
In a Court of Law: the Court reporter. In an Organization: first-hand contacts of the Organization with the general public, the traffic, transit, transportation and communication departments; interoffice communications; specific information disseminated within the organization, and departments having to do with the dissemination of such information; public statements of a relatively private nature.
The Fourth House
In a Nativity: Its cusp, the Northern end of the meridian that passes through the birthplace, is the degree of Integration. Although it is the weakest of the four Angles, it nevertheless exercises a decisive influence throughout the entire Figure. It is the drain through which everything that is to be sloughed off, merges and passes away. Through it the Ego becomes concrete, as the operational base of the physical entity, the seat of the desire-nature — the emotions and the passions. It is an index to the home and all domestic affairs; the imaginative faculty; receptivity of mood; treasured recollections. It counsels him whether to remain in or to leave his birthplace, and the advantages consequent thereon. Thus it defines the nature of one's residence, while the Ascendant indicates in what direction it should lie. It has been called the "grave" because it is so often concerned with hidden things: private affairs, old age, the ultimate end and aim of terrestrial existence.
Considered in connection with the Ascendant, it affords an insight into the nature of the native's early life, his childhood upbringing, the character of his home environment; his domestic concerns throughout life, and their conspicuousness or obscurity; the nature of the termination of every earthly concern: the last illness and demise, the ultimate disposition of the body, the nature of the burial, and the general location of the grave.
It summarizes matters relating to lands, houses, estates, cities, mines, concealed treasures, intimate concerns, curious personal secrets, things accumulated and stored up, leases, rentals, real estate transactions, and similar matters.
In the Figure of a woman it generally characterizes the first child, and a heavily tenanted Fourth House is often an indication that he will pursue a scientific career.
The Fourth House produces changes of environment within the disposition of the native, wherein he can alter or upset his home conditions and those of such as are intimately related to him. Only through this House can he build his reputation and lay the foundation of a successful career, to find expression later through the Tenth House. While one cannot directly control his fortunes insofar as they depend upon the good will of others, by laying a proper Fourth House foundation in obscure beginnings, he can build toward a secure end.
To it is commonly assigned the native's father, his life, disposition and fortunes; and from it are derived inferences relative to cousins on the mother's side. Which parent to assign to the Tenth, its Ruler, and the planets therein, is, however, a moot question: and divergent opinions variously assign (1) the mother to the Tenth in a day-birth, the Fourth in a night-birth-the father represented by the opposite ends of the meridian; (2) to the Tenth the parent of the same sex as the native, and to the Fourth the parent of the opposite sex; (3) to the Tenth the father in a female, and the mother in a male Nativity; (4) on the basis that Cancer represents the womb the Hindus assign to the Fourth the mother, and to the Tenth the father since Capricorn indicates conservatism, repression and firmness; while yet other authorities contend (5) that the determination of the House selected as the parent's significator is dependent upon which parent has most authority over the native. Thus there is need for extended documentation on the subject.
In a Mundane Figure: Circumstances and events affecting real estate values, mines and their products, buildings, crops, produce and all agricultural interests, including those of the owners of and work- ers on the land; miners, builders, the housing and living conditions of the people, and their patriotic inclinations; the land as a locality wherein people are subject to natural forces — terrestrial as distinguished from atmospheric — hence property damages resulting from floods, earthquakes, and mining disasters; the interests of the people as distinguished from those of the government and of the governing class; and democratic as against autocratic tendencies in government, and between governments.
In a National Figure: the Opposition Party, and those individuals who cooperate with or oppose the Chief Executive; the characteristics of any governmental opposition, and the time such opposition may be expected to culminate.
In Ingress, Lunation and Full Moon Figures a planet close to the cusp of this House will affect the weather according to its nature and aspects; and if it be a malefic and powerfully aspected, it will profoundly affect the government.
In a Court of Law: the Jury. In a Contest: the arena of action; the judges as distinguished from the referee; the end of the contest. In an Organization: its real estate investments and holdings; its base of operations or field of activity; the location and condition of factory or office buildings it owns or occupies.
The Fifth House
In a Nativity: The conception of offspring; hence the exteriorization of Self through all manner of creative and procreative urges and activities; recreational, and other pleasurable impulses of mind and heart; mental offspring, such as creative, artistic or literary output; gambling and financial speculations; the operations of the laws of chance — in so far as its effects are under the native's control. As the abode of the heart, it has to do with all impulses arising therefrom, hence all emotional and romantic tendencies. Those who have a strong Fifth House, containing one or more planets giving or receiving strong vibrations, have overpowering impulses with which to contend throughout life, which find emotional expression through dramatic attitudes, pride, the affections, and which contribute to popularity, notoriety or fame, according as the aspects thereto are favorable or adverse. It has been postulated that in a male Nativity this House prefigures the first child. Planets in the Fifth and Eleventh Houses are an index to emotional desires, not infrequently expressed in the more sublimated form of platonic friendships and affiliations.
In a Mundane Figure: Children, their attitudes and conditions; circumstances affecting minors; the public school system and children in attendance at primary schools; amusements and amusement places, theatres, concerts, sporting events; public speculations and investments; the inclination of the people to play or express emotion; public happiness and sorrow; circumstances attending those seeking pleasure and amusement; high society and the upper classes; ambassadors, senators and government representatives; formal social functions and all ceremonies of a more or less official character. Public happiness or sorrow; circumstances and dangers affecting those on pleasure bent; and similar activities not engaged in for the specific purpose of making money.
Since it is the realm of the country's creative and procreative activities, it indicates probable changes in the birth rate during the period immediately following that for which the Figure is cast.
In a National Figure: the upper legislative house-in contrast to the Eleventh House which rules the lower house; although the Eleventh represents the legislative branches as a unit, as distinct from the administrative branch of the government. In an Organization: the executive personnel, its officers and Board of Directors as distinguished from the President or Chairman of the Board; the governing body in a collective sense; any attitude or action of the stockholders or Board of Directors in opposition to the President.
The Sixth House
In a Nativity: Food, clothing, comforts and domestic pets; mental or physical conflicts resulting from the externalization of the Ego. As such it depicts any enmity between the Ego and the physical body, out of which mental, nervous or organic disease may develop. It is an obscure arc, since the nature of service rendered or received is more or less personal, unobtrusive and routine. It has been termed the House of Service in that it portrays one's capacity to serve, as also the character and qualities of those who serve him — his employees and dependents, and his relations with them. As the Sixth House is the Third from the Fourth, it pertains to uncles and aunts on the father's side (Fourth House). Sixth House action is generally under the Native's control; while Twelfth House derivatives by way of inhibitions, repressions and frustrations, spring from causes over which the Native has no control.
In a Mundane Figure: The public health; the armed forces, civil service workers and police, as the servants of the country; and in general, the laboring class and the workers in all trades; and all involuntary services rendered by the people.
In a National Figure: the Labor Party. In a Court of Law: the deliberations of the jury, and the Court records as the field of activity of the Court reporter. In an Organization: the workers or employees; their attitude, efficiency and general condition; the health condition of the personnel as affecting the organization. Strikes and labor troubles which have their inception here, will take form in the Twelfth House.
The Seventh House
In a Nativity: The Seventh cusp, the Angle of Relationship, at the western end of the line of Particular Being, depicts the subjective side of the Nature, the Individuality, as opposed to the Personality that is revealed objectively in the. First House; the correlation of exterior agencies and forces. of the four Angles, it ranks third in importance. Here human relations are on a give-and-take basis, by the interchange of ideas. It has to do with the outcome of all contentions, oppositions, strife, enmities, pleas, and fines. Since it defines the native's reaction to law, it becomes the House of the Public, showing the relation of the native to others; particularly his open adversaries; lawsuits and contracts; one's personal agents and representatives; men's grandfathers or women's grandmothers; nephews and nieces; and every manner of cooperative arrangement or partnership, legal or otherwise — including marriage and the effects thereof upon the native. In an astrological sense marriage is any state of cohabitation prompted by love and attended by a condition of sympathetic understanding, whether or not recognized by civil or ecclesiastical law. Furthermore, when any state of cohabitation, however legalized it may be, ceases to produce a blending of two horoscopes through a condition of mutual regard and understanding harmoniousness, marriage ceases to exist and becomes merely a legalized form of prostitution; as evidenced by laws governing "common law" marriage, divorce, and the support of offspring after divorce. The more profoundly the constructive influence of cohabita- tion affects the lives of the participants, the more it can properly be termed a marriage.
In a Mundane Figure: The public as an organized social unit, the social consciousness of the people, the relative status of the nation among the nations of the world, and conditions, circumstances and events affecting its social evolution; those who cooperate with or oppose the people in a national sense, such as anti-social organizations or activities, crime, organized crime and criminals, particularly those who assume the status of a public enemy; anything that contributes to or interferes with public harmony, or tends to build or disintegrate social identities; public support of the nation's foreign policy, friendly or hostile, political or commercial, and the reactions of foreign nations thereto. It is therefore the domain of international disputes, of war and peace; public relations, public gatherings, and meetings between and dealings with strangers. It also indicates the status of women in the nation, particularly the public attitude toward marriage and divorce, and the fluctuations of the marriage and divorce rate as determined by the planet posited there, and its rela- tion to the Fifth House.
In a Contest: the challenger; the decision of the judges. In a Court of Law: the plaintiff and the lawyers; the point of arbitration where evidence and the rights of opposing factions are weighed; also the verdict of the jury. In an Organization: its relation to other organizations through contracts, trade agreements, mergers, cartels, or reciprocal arrangements; its lawsuits and legal affairs. Here originate all forces that oppose the growth and free action of the organization as an individual entity, such as competitors and their activities.
The Eighth House
In a Nativity: Release from personal limitations through human interchange; the Realm of Birth and Rebirth; of evolution through the suffering incident to all human experience; regeneration through enlargement of viewpoint, both spiritual and mental; and the subjugation of the personal Self — a difficult process since so few realize the horror of its impact upon the mind and consciousness. It has to do with effects of an involuntary nature, such as the healing crisis preceding either recovery or dissolution in death; the manner of death; fateful losses which lead to regeneration through certain enforced changes; the transmutation of emotional stress into spiritual power; wills, legacies, trust funds, insurance; the estate of the marital or business partner; money belonging to other people, especially the deceased, in so far as it applies to the native; hence in general the financial relationship of the world to him, and his responsibilities in connection therewith. However, its consideration of these things is largely as liabilities rather than as assets. It has been called the Occult House, the house of hidden things, because in most Eighth House operations the Law of Cause and Effect is difficult to identify, and there is the common human temptation to blame everything upon an inscrutable Providence. It is also known as the House of Death, because it represents the refiner's fire wherein through suffering the selfish desires of the Ego are burned away, setting free the pure gold of spiritually-enlightened Selflessness. That death so often comes instead, is a vivid indication of the tenacity with which we mortals cling to our foibles, utterly deaf to the accumulated exhortations of the philosophers throughout the centuries. In the wake of an Eighth House storm there is always a rainbow — if we but lift our eyes to perceive it. The Creative Ruler so devised this planetary system as to administer an automatic and recurrent spur to spiritual growth and emotional self-control. Successive jabs become increasingly severe, and finally to those who refuse to listen and heed, a premature death is inevitable; while to the others, the spiritually adult, every Eighth House operation is a celestial messenger in disguise, and a challenge to penetrate this disguise and become the recipient of the blessing he bears.
As the Second from the Seventh, it represents accumulated non-material riches — that which neither moth nor rust doth corrupt — not the result of the labor of your hand and brain, but of the manner in which you play the game with those to whom you are closely allied.
In a Mundane Figure: The public income; the income from exports; earning power of the nation, chiefly from the standpoint of the man who pays; frozen assets in properties, stocks and bonds as distinct from currency; the monetary standard, the National debt, and interest rates; public sales; financial organizations, such as trust and insurance companies. The birth and mortality rate in different class groups, as determined by the planet involved, and its relation to the Fifth House; medical discovery, insofar as it tends to promote longevity.
In a National Figure: The national treasurer as a government official, distinct from the treasury itself; financial relations with and the financial condition and obligations of other countries with respect to the nation for the capital of which the Figure is cast. In an Organization: Losses and gains through or on account of death, or in connection with the estates of deceased persons; financial conditions involved in partnerships, mergers or lawsuits; financial relations with competitors, and their financial condition; revenue from investments, or through liquidation of frozen assets; loans and income from sources not under immediate control of the Organization; the company treasurer, as distinguished from the Treasury.
The Ninth House
In a Nativity: The realm of the abstract mind, of intuition and inspiration, of dreams and visions, hence an index to one's reactions to philosophy, success and religion; and to his sense of responsibility toward relatives, by blood or in law. From this arc inferences arc drawn concerning grandchildren, especially those of his brother and his sister-in-law; the probability of distant travel, timing, nature and results; the fate and nature of imports and exports; the ultimate result of long-range advertising; world wide contacts and mental adjustment to racial ideas, ideals and collective needs. With an author, his works from the standpoint of publication.
In a Mundane Figure: Long-distance passenger and freight transportation and communications, by or over sea, air and land; religion and the clergy; judges and courts of law; the educated classes: universities and institutions of higher learning, and their administrative and teaching personnel; philosophic and scientific societies and institutions and their publications; all facilities designed to meet the public demand in education, religion, transportation and communications; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; immigration as distinguished from emigration; weather conditions along the coast, particularly incoming storms in process of formation as distinguished from their effects; and the origins of all disturbances, either of an intellectual or atmospheric nature. Observe a distinction drawn between the public's attitude toward the press, as indicated by the Third House, and the attitude of the press toward the public as indicated by the Ninth House.
In a National Figure: The Secretary of State as a government official, as distinguished from the State Department; the educated classes-those who control or govern the reading, writing or travelling habits of the public. In an Organization: the advertising department; long distance communications; results of mail-order campaigns; relations with educational institutions and publications; professional consultants, publicity and public relations; officials, as distinguished from their departments.
The Tenth House
In a Nativity: From this arc one traces the native's business or professional life and aff airs, his honor, preferment, fame, credit, reputation, career, and position in society; hence his standing before the world. As the operational base for social intercourse, it offers a summation of the native's human relationships. From this arc inferences may be drawn concerning his relations with those who are more or less in authority over him — his employers and clients; his cousins on his father's side, and ordinarily his mother (v. Fourth House) in that here racial consciousness, and what may be termed the "national soul," becomes an entity. of the four angles it is second in importance, the southern end of the meridian running through the birthplace: the Midheaven, the Rational Axis, the Line of Universal Being, the Point of Solar Sustainment, the Line of Concrete Experience and its sublimation. As the apex of the Nativity, it assembles, vitalizes, universalizes and largely summarizes the indi- vidual's relationship to society as expressed through his occupational activities.
In a Mundane Figure: The Chief Executive, as occupying the control-tower of the nation; the political party in power; eminent and famous persons, and those upon whom rest the nation's honor, reputation and standing among the nations of the world; the national power, trade, culture, ideals and achievements. The most favoring planets in this House in a Mundane Figure, are the Sun and Jupiter.
In a Court of Law: the judge. In a Contest: the referee. In an Organization: The supreme or governing authority; the President, or Chairman of the Board.
The Eleventh House
In a Nativity: One finds here the externalization of the native's social position; the nature and characteristics of his circle of acquaintances and friends; his ideals with respect to human and therefore social relationships; his hopes, wishes, projects and ambitions; the reformer's dreams and his efforts to realize them; flatterers and their machinations; to a certain extent the imagination; his sons and his daughters-in-law. Its Lord and the planets tenanting it are an index to his idea of happiness and the probabilities of his ultimate attain- ment thereof. When considered in relation to the First, Fifth and Eighth Houses, it becomes an important arc, for with an afflicted Eleventh House little real satisfaction can be extracted from life-riches, a beautiful home, a fond and dutiful wife and children, and all the tangible things for which a heart could wish, yet never the serene contentment wherewith to enjoy them.
The Fifth and Eleventh Houses are an index to the personal-emotional desires and their sublimated form as found in platonic friendship. The Ninth and Eleventh Houses indicate higher levels of con-sciousness as to both mind and emotion. If the Lord of the Eleventh is stronger than the Lord of the Seventh the native's friends and assistants are more numerous and powerful than his adversaries.
In a Mundane Figure: The legislative branches of the government, particularly the lower house, with the Fifth more directly concerned with the upper house; town and county councils, and state legislatures; the friends of the nation; the Stock Exchange, as an organization apart from its activities; ceremonies and celebrations; the exchange of amenities with foreign governments; hence the nation's aims, desires, purposes, projects, and alliances.
In a National Figure: The treasury, as distinguished from the Secretary of the Treasury. In an Organization: Other friendly organizations, in panies closely allied to or associated with its activities; also organizations or facilities which provide social activities, as fraternal groups and clubs; the treasury as distinguished from the treasurer.
The Twelfth House
In a Nativity. This is the arena wherein transpires the combat against the inertia inherent in all forms of society — the limiting power of the level of race consciousness. Here are expressed the innermost and secret emotions; the source and nature of hidden and undci- handed opposition; imprisonment, hospitalization; the uncles and aunts on the mother's side (v. Fourth House); the secret effects ot sins of omission and commission-defects of character that make necessary a spiritual rebirth. Since we can rid ourselves of the presence of these ghosts of the past only by liquidating our indebtedness to them, the Twelfth may be termed the House of the Hangover; of crime, punishment and grief; the pawnshop of the Ego; the Gethsemane of the soul; the Hell wherein one atones for his errors through compassionate self-sacrifice, whereby ultimately to achieve freedom from conditions that limit and restrict. Thus it is also the House of Charity given and received.
Termed the House of Bondage, and of Self-Undoing, it is also the House of Initiation and ultimate understanding. While it is frequently tenanted by the significators of scandal, self-approbation and hardness of heart, its qualities can be advantageously employed for work done in seclusion, for confidential behind-the-scene activities, and for meditation and inner development.
The Terminal Houses, the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth, corresponding to the Emotional Triplicity of Signs, are concerned with the three most mysterious phases of life; the Fourth, the end of physical man; the Eighth, the liberation of his soul; the Twelfth, his secret aspirations and his disposition in the after-world.
From this, proponents of the doctrine of Reincarnation deduce that the Nativity we have on this plane of expression we earned in a past incarnation, while the one we will acquire in our next incar- nation will depend upon the life we lived in this-and are living now. Thus again is involved the Law of Cause and Effect from which is no escape.
In a Mundane Figure: Labor disturbances, plagues and epidemics, conditions that militate against the public welfare; correctional institutions, jails, prisons, workhouses, houses of detention, hospitals and charitable institutions; organizations devoted to forcible control or condemnation of people; involuntary services ordered by law; the nation's secret enemies in war and peace; spies and confidential agents — of foreign countries; crimes and criminals; the personal jour- neyings and writings of those in power in the government; the nation's secret societies, both political and religious.
In an Organization: forces inclining to dissolution of the organization as an entity, hence enemy and secret organizations; the secret intelligence department; investigative agencies in connection with hospitals and prisons; labor unions, insofar as they represent Sixth House personnel; organized and social units, as distinguished from the parent organization; strikes and labor troubles-which have their inception in the Sixth House, but come to fruition in the Twelfth.
Reciprocal Action or Opposite Houses
It should be observed that the six Houses below the horizon are departments of demand or of inclination to act; while the six above the horizon afford the facilities for action; the lower six, personal, the upper six, social; the lower six, unorganized, the upper six, organized. Yet each separate House acts in a reciprocal or complimentary manner to its opposing House, as is shown in the following comparisons or polarizations:
First and Seventh. Whereas the First House is productive of effects caused by the native's ego, the Seventh is productive of effects and situations produced by the ego of the marriage partner or any cooperating personality or event. The commonly observed psycho- logical phenomenon wherein one desires or attempts to reproduce his ego in another, is the direct result of this reciprocal action.
Second and Eighth. Whereas the Second House is productive of effects upon the native's individual earning capacity as a direct result of his own acts or inertia, Eighth House effects, as concerning his material position, take cognizance of the fact that his ultimate return depends in large measure upon the extent to which others trade or cooperate with him, or are friendly disposed toward him. Thus, although his earning capacity may be exercised through the Second House by means of work and related activities under his own control which leave him free to choose whether he will work or not and to what extent, the ultimate net amount of his income and the extent of his fortunes do not rest wholly within his own control but arc distinctly due to outside forces. In the sense in which the Second House registers assets, the Eighth House is more directly concerned with liabilities.
Third and Ninth. The Third House is productive of effects which rest on changes under the direct control of the native and which result from his own acts. These may be various, such as changes of location (travel), or changes of domicile (removal). In contrast, Ninth House operations are not under his control, but involve the wider changes wrought by an evolution that is largely the result of outside forces. Similar facilities are indicated by both Houses, but in the Third their application is confined to the dissemination of information, while in the Ninth they are utilized to educate and mold public opinion.
Fourth and Tenth. The Fourth House produces effects involving the environment, which are subject to the control of the native, in that he can alter his environment or upset his home conditions and that of all those who are intimately related to him, to his heart's content. Only through this House can he build his reputation and the foundations cf his professional career. In contrast, forces operative through his Tenth House to affect his fortunes in his profession or career, he cannot directly control; since his ultimate fate is largely dependent upon the attitude of others toward him.
Fifth and Eleventh. The Fifth House involves the ability of the native to take advantage of the Laws of Chance at such times as they become operative in his favor. Its effects are under his control in that he alone decides the nature of the investments, whether or not he will make them, and when. Romance and emotional matters in general partake of the essence of Chance, for the native's acts produce emotional disturbances or yield emotional satisfactions according as the Laws of Chance favor him. This strongly contrasts with the effects resulting from the Eleventh House influences, for these deter- mine whether his hopes, wishes and desires are to be gratified or denied. That for which he wishes and the treasure or resources upon which he can draw wherewith to obtain them, is shown by the Fifth House; but whether his wish will or will not be granted through the influence or intervention of other persons, is in the domain of the Eleventh House.
Sixth and Twelfth. Sixth House affairs, comprising the native's occuptional activities, his service and devotion to others, are under the native's control. His bodily health is largely dependent upon his own acts. But Twelfth House matters are beyond his control, in that they comprise inhibitive influences, repressions, frustrations, even the complete loss of personal liberty dependent upon the way others react toward him-and are the class of things which since they cannot be cured must be endured.
In a National Figure, while the Sixth House pertains to the servants of the people, apart from organizations which represent them, the Twelfth represents them in organized form — in unions, brotherhoods, lodges and unions that have to do with strikes and the use of strike-breakers.
Solar Houses: These are Houses, in that they are subdivisions of the twenty-four hour axial rotation of the Earth; but based upon the Sun-position as the Ascendant they divide the terrestrial circle into equal arcs of 30° each. v. Solar Astrology.
House Ruler: Properly speaking, only a Sign has a Ruler. A planet in a House is generally its Ruler; or lacking a planet, the House is said to be ruled by the Ruler of the Sign appearing on its cusp. Some earlier authority attempted to clarify this by introducing the term Lord, whereby one could make the distinction: Lord of a House, and Ruler of a Sign. The intention was excellent, but the result has been an indiscriminate use of Lord and Ruler as inter-changeable terms. For a concise terminology it would appear desirable to determine the planet of strongest influence in a House, either because posited there or because it is the Ruler of the Sign on its cusp, and then refer to the selected planet as the Lord of that House. Any term would serve — except Ruler, which term has to do with a planet's strength in a Sign. In fact, the degrees of lordship are largely dependent upon the strength of the planet in, or by virtue, of its Sign-position: whether in its own Sign, exalted or debilitated.
Intercepted House: One in which a Sign is contained wholly within the House, which sign does not appear upon either cusp of the House. It is more logical to consider the House as intercepted by the Sign — than the reverse although it is frequently referred to as an intercepted sign, instead of an intercepting sign. An intercepted House is generally either preceded or followed by one that has the same sign on both the cusps. The affairs of an intercepted House are generally complicated, and the planets therein are of more than average importance.
See also:Houses, Table of [Astro*Index]
♦ Interpretation
A reference book which gives zodiacal longitudes of the house cusps for a given house system, at specified sidereal times, at a range of latitudes, calculated for a specified value of the obliquity of the ecliptic. The table of houses is used as an approximate method for positioning planets within the "wheel" of an astrological chart. Once the zodiacal longitudes of the cusps of all the houses has been determined from the table, each planet is positioned "within" a house such that its longitude lies between the longitudes of the two adjacent cusps which define the borders of that house. (Some writers advise placing the planets within a chart according to a counterclockwise sequence, but such a rule is incorrect for certain sidereal times at geographical sites within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.) Values derived from a table of houses will, in general, differ somewhat from those computed by modern electronic computers for a variety of reasons: The obliquity of the ecliptic used in the table differs from the true obliquity used by the computer; and, the table may contain a variety of errors in its construction (for example, the Placidian house tables of Simmonite, Zadkiel, and Dalton, which used a fixed mean declination in calculating the pole for each house). In addition, the placement of the planets according the their zodiacal longitudes assumes that the planets have zero latitude; i.e., that the planet lies directly on the ecliptic. This approximation was somewhat justified for the visible planets of antiquity, as the maximum deviation from the ecliptic (the planet's latitude) is relatively small. The maximum latitude is equal to the value of the body's orbital inclination: For Mercury, this amounts to 7°; for the Moon, the mean inclination is about 5°. But, since the discovery of Pluto, with an inclination of 17°, this approximation loses some of its justification. To visualize the difficulty, consider the following scenario: At geographic latitude N45° and Sidereal Time 00:00:00, the tropical longitude of the MC is ARI 00o00'00", i.e., the vernal point lies directly on the upper meridian, which is the house circle of the 10th house. By the usual scheme a body with longitude PIS 29° would be placed in the 9th house, while one with longitude ARI 01° would be positioned in the 10th house. Consider, however, the case of a body `P' with longitude ARI 01° and latitude N17°, and an associated point `Q'at longitude ARI 01° with latitude 00°. As above, point Q (with zero latitude) would be placed in the 10th house. But, clearly, body P would be located to the west of the upper meridian and, therefore, within the 9th house. The usual method for planetary placement within the houses makes no provision for this difficulty. Some authors, therefore, have provided an auxiliary chart (called the mundoscope) for most house systems which properly accounts for this effect of planetary latitude. But, the calculation of a mundoscope chart requires many trigonometric calculations: Before the appearance of electronic computers, this task was (at best) troublesome, and has not enjoyed wide-spread popularity.
See also:Houses, Table of [DeVore]
♦ House System ♦ Zodiacal Latitude ♦ Zodiacal Longitude ♦ House Cusp ♦ Sidereal Time ♦ Obliquity of the Ecliptic ♦ Astrological Chart ♦ Declination ♦ Pole ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Orbital ♦ Tropical ♦ Vernal Point ♦ House Circle ♦ Mundoscope
By means of tables of houses for different latitudes, one is able to ascertain what degrees of the zodiac appeared upon the Ascendant and the various House cusps on any hour of any day, as calculated from the sidereal time at noon of that day as indicated in the ephemeris. Actually the tables may be said to divide distance by time, showing how many degrees of the ecliptic will pass a given point in two hours, which varies in different latitudes on account of the inclination of the earth's axis.
Uses of, in Directing. By means of the Table of Houses for the latitude of birth, planets may be directed to the horizon, as follows: In the Asc. column find the longitude of the planet, then take the related location of the cusp of the X' house, and subtract from it the MC. at birth; the result will be the age at which this direction will be effective. To direct to the opposition of the Asc. add 180° to the longitude of the planet. To direct to the MC locate the planet's longitude in the Tenth House column and count the years back- wards to the MC at birth. To direct to the opposition of the MC, count backwards to the degree appearing on the IC or cusp of Fourth House at birth. To direct the Asc. or MC to aspects with planets, note the degree in which it will fall, and bring the degree to the Asc. or MC, as if the planet were there.
See also:
♦ House System ♦ Zodiacal Latitude ♦ Zodiacal Longitude ♦ House Cusp ♦ Sidereal Time ♦ Obliquity of the Ecliptic ♦ Astrological Chart ♦ Declination ♦ Pole ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Orbital ♦ Tropical ♦ Vernal Point ♦ House Circle ♦ Mundoscope
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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