5 articles for "Sun"
Sun [Astro*Index]
One of the 10 major planets. Ruler of Leo. Vitality, will, the yang or male principle. Power, leadership, dignity, character, egoism, self-assertion, masculinity, "the heart's desire". < + > An authoritative nature with strong drives for recognition, fame, leadership and supremacy. Self-reliant and must rule or lead in all projects involved in. < - > Full of pride and arrogance, and always needs an audience for appreciation and applause. Egotistical and domineering. Those in authority, the head of state, the heart, male figures, e.g. the man himself, father, the husband in a woman`s chart. In the business chart: The house the sun occupies or rules represents a focus of the business and should be faced squarely in order for the business to succeed.
See also: ♦ Apparent Sun ♦ Mean Sun ♦ Planets ♦ Midnight Sun ♦ Leo ♦ True SunSun [Prima]
One of the 10 major planets.
Ruler of Leo.
Vitality, will, the yang or male principle.
Strength, leadership, dignity, character, egoism, self-expression, masculinity, "the heart's desire."
Those in authority, the head of state, the heart, and male figures (e.g. the man himself, father, and the husband in a woman's chart).
Leadership qualities, generosity, warmth; an authoritative nature with strong drives for recognition, fame, leadership and mastery.
In the business chart: The houses occupied or ruled by the Sun represent the major focus of the business and should be faced squarely in order for the business to succeed.
See also: ♦ Apparent Sun ♦ Mean Sun ♦ Planets ♦ Midnight Sun ♦ Leo ♦ True SunSun Chart [Prima]
One of the charts used in the Hamburg School or Uranian system of astrology.
The cusp of the fourth house is equal to the zodiacal longitude of the Sun, with equal houses around the rest of the chart.
It represents health and the physical body.
See also: ♦ Hamburg SchoolSun-Moon Angle [Astro*Index]
The angular distance between the Sun and the Moon (Moon minus Sun); also called Lunar Phase Angle.
See also: ♦ Part of FortuneSun-Moon Blend [Astro*Index]
A standard "first assessment" tool in counseling (with an esoteric tradition) by which the astrologer gains an immediate view of a client's distinguishing features.
See also: ♦ Part of Fortune
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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