How to read a Mundane Chart Part 1 Date Published:
With so much emphasis on Natal Astrology (which is as it should be), the art of reading a Mundane chart is not as well known as that for reading a birth chart. With that in mind I thought that I would write a little explanation of what to look for in a Mundane chart.
Since we're looking at a country instead of a person there is a slightly different emphasis in the delineation of the chart. Also, since this is an actual astronomical event you can be absolutely sure of the time of the chart and therefore we can confidently put much emphasis on the angles and the house cusps of the chart that is created.
The first thing that you look for is the Triplicity of the Ascendant, you want to know whether its Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable. This will determine the general state of the country during the period of the chart.
- Cardinal means that the people will be ready for something. They are taken with this new thing and then you can look at the element to see how they are involved in this new way of seeing things as to if its Fire, Earth, Air or Earth.
- Fixed is going to say that the people will be well entrenched in the element of the fixed sign.
- Mutable people are always the most changeable and they also will change with the element of the mutable sign that is their ascendant.

So we determine what the people of the country are projecting with the Ascendant of the chart. The mood of the people is determined by the Moon in the Mundane chart. Since we have a very accurate time for the chart, the house position becomes extremely powerful in a Mundane Chart. I'll go through a mundane description of the houses at a later time after we've gone through the planets. The ruler of the country is always symbolized by the Sun in the Mundane chart. That is why in a lot of election types of charts you would like to have the Sun be in the 10th house of the chart, which is the house of the Ruler of the country.
Mercury is what the public is thinking about or how you might be able to appeal to their sense of reason if you know the sign and the house that Mercury was posited in the Mundane chart. It also has to do with communications of all kinds so the internet, mail, media especially the more mass market communications like TV, magazines and such can be shown by the Mercury placement in the chart.
Lets now move along to Venus and say that wherever Venus is in the chart will show what the country is enamoured of, what it's in love with. It's what we're attracted to and also our sense of decorum. Venus represents the fashion styles of clothing and furniture, it's what we think of as pretty or beautiful. The house and sign position of Venus will go a long way to show us this.
Mars on the other hand will show us what we'll get all riled up about. This is the place where we're likely to be argumentative. Disasters like fires and explosions are assigned to Mars in a mundane chart so we might look to that to see if it will come to pass. Wars and attacks against other countries are possible with Mars especially if we find it in the 7th house or Libra. But more on that later.
Jupiter is what we believe in. It's the public faith, and the belief system of the country. Also, no matter what chart you're looking at it's always called the Great Benefic. So where it falls is always going to be "lucky" for whatever the emphasis of the interpretation is. In this case it will be lucky for the country.
Then we get to Saturn which is in turn Mr. Doom and Gloom sometimes. It represents Organization, it's big business that is very conservative and very leery of changing too much at any given time. It's called the Status Quo and it wants things to stay the same and not change if it can help it.
Then come the outer or "Psychological" planets. The first one we come to is Uranus, this one signifies new or unusual inventions or fads that are currently popular. This planet rules radical activities according to Campion. In his mundane astrology book he points out that Uranus is more likely to be associated with conservative radical causes rather then liberal or left-leaning ones. As an example, during the election where the Republicans took over the U.S. House and the Senate in '92, Uranus was right on the Descendant of the U.S. chart.
Neptune is next on the list and it has to do with the more left or liberal causes that happen in a country. It also has to do with oceans and liquids. For instance, the oil and gas business is traditionally associated with this planet and it was a powerful signifier at the time when we had the oil crisis back in the 70's when gas was so high in the U.S. and the lines were so long. It's also associated with spiritual or occult forces in the country and can determine the popularity or unpopularity of them.
Pluto is the last of the planets that we'll be talking about and is the hardest to define. It has to do with transformative growth or powerful turning points in a country's history. It has a lot to do with crime and criminals so it can talk about crime and criminal enterprises. It may have something to do with manipulative leaders who are out to cozen the people and shape them in some way that is desirable to the small coterie of people sometimes called plutocrats.
Well that does it for the small descriptions of the planets. Now let's focus our attention to the houses of the chart and give brief descriptions of them too.
First house.
This is the physical appearance of the Natal Chart and in the Mundane Chart it represents the people of the country. The sign on the ascendant will tell what the people are projecting into the country. It's the personality of the country.
Second House.
This is resources of the country. It also has to do with morals and values. It's what you're willing to do to get money. This is the money house.
Third House.
This is the house of communications and will show how the country is communicating and also what is the content or type of those communications.
Fourth House.
This is the house that rules property and real estate, it also rules mining and things that have to do with resources under the ground. It also rules lakes and bodies of water.
Fifth House.
This is speculation, which includes the stock market and gambling. It also rules the Arts, Painting and what would be called High Art. In addition, it's the house of children and if it's emphasized in a chart it might say something about those matters becoming important.
Sixth House.
This is the house of Service. In a mundane chart it rules all government workers including the army, navy and all the armed forces. It also has to do with health, so it might have something to do with sicknesses that might sweep over the country like an epidemic.
Seventh House.
This is the part of the chart that deals with others, so if you look at this with regard to countries it speaks of other countries. It rules how we would get along with other countries. It therefore rules war and skirmishes with other countries.
Eighth House.
This is other people's money so it rules Insurance and companies that will help you manage your money (as it's your money they will be managing). It's also the house of Death so the rate at which people die or disasters or reasons why people would die are associated with this house.
Ninth House.
This is the house that deals with the courts and with travels to other countries. This is the place of all legal documents also and when dealing with other countries it would relate to treaties and declarations of war. This is also associated (in the U.S.) with the Secretary of State and the Supreme Court, and similar offices in other countries.
Tenth House.
This is the house of the leader of the country. It would either be the President or the King of the country. It can indicate the popularity or unpopularity of the ruler. In certain cases it shows the death of the ruler.
Eleventh House.
This is the house of the Congress or the Legislature or the deliberative or parliamentary body. It will tell you the status of the Congress or Parliament and their relations with the President or the Prime Minister. You can look to see if the rulers of the 11th and 12th house are making harmonious or inharmonious aspects to each other to see how they will get along.
Twelfth House.
This is the house of hidden things. For instance, if other people or countries are secretly plotting against your country, this house is signified. It also has something to do with spirituality and you can look to the 12th house to see how the spiritual mood of the people will reflect itself in society for the country in question.
© Copyright: Matrix Software
Other articles by Tom Goyett
How to read a Mundane Chart Part 2
Notes on an Aries Ingress Chart