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Medical Astrology: Medaps—Genaps, Part 1 Date Published: by Guy de Penguern
Bio: Guy de Penguern

Guy de Penguern, born August 22, 1924 in Belgium, is a respected astrologer with a special interest in medical astrology. He has studied homeopathy since 1960 and works with medical doctors in France, using astrology as a diagnostic tool for health problems. By 1987 he had studied 150 cases of AIDS and continues his original research today. He can be reached at Villa Anteres, Compuzines Hautes, 24290 Montignac, France. Fax:



"To see things clearly, we have to look at them from their beginning." – Aristotle



To understand the evolution of ancient medical astrology during these last ten to fifteen years, we should first understand its birth. Let us, for example, imagine ourselves as being alive some 400,000 years BC ago. We would feel entirely at the mercy of the elements: water, air, earth and fire; the latter manifesting itself via the lightening of thunderstorms, the elements providing fruits and nourishing vegetables. Another kind of fire came from the heat of the sun to keep us warm and also caused huge forest fires. Furthermore, when the sun set, you were cold, it was dark, and daily activities ceased. As this primitive man or woman, you depended on the solar activity for survival. Little by little, you noticed that the sun did not always rise at the same point on the horizon. And so understood that you would have to derive some kind of system or diagram which would show exactly when to expect such solar manifestations. We have irrefutable proof of such concerns; one of the best known being Stonehenge in Great Britain which in recent times was the subject of careful study by the genius mind of Stephen Hawking.

If we progress in linear time, as we know it, until we come to Sumer in Babylon, we see that the British Museum in London has clay tablets, dated between 14,000 and 18,000 years BC which show numerous astronomical observations, such as the Moon's phases, Heliacal sunsets etc. It is interesting to note that these observations were not the monopoly of the Middle East, but were rather distributed worldwide. The Mayans, Chinese, and Australopithecus did the same. The famous Towers of Babylon, were astronomical observatories.

The very first representations of the zodiac (most notably of Dendera) were sculptured and the study of the zodiac signs was born under the Pharoes in Egypt, roughly 2,000 years BC. In India we have proof of precise astronomical studies around 327 BC. And it is at this time that medical astrology was born among the Greeks and the Romans. In 450 BC, Hippocratus said: "Is he not a fool, the Doctor in Medicine who does not integrate astrology into his science?" The rapid and most important progress in astronomy was a powerful asset to the development of medical astrology.

Later with Ptolemy (150 AD), it is the astrological structures of his time which appear in the Tetrabiblos and Centilocus that have been preserved, and have been trans-lated into several languages. Numerous references to medical astrology can be found in these books. And let us also not forget that Ptolemy's geographic charts were still being used, some 1,300 years later by none other than Christopher Columbus.

Then came the great period of the Arab Astronomers-Astrologers which I shall go into in far more depth in my next book on the subject, Medaps and Genaps. Suffice to say, there were many top astronomers and astrologers during this era; the majority of who practiced medical astrology, as well as traditional medicine.

Around 1230, Guido Bonati, the famous court astrologer to Emperor Frederick II, made substantial progress in this discipline. He was the indisputable discoverer of the mid- points; a technique for rectifying the exact hour/minute of an approximate birth time. It was on the mid-point between the Sun and a slow moving planet that he positioned one of the angles of the estimated chart. This was the very first rectification method I used which coincided well with using exclusively Genaps.

Then came the great period of the Renaissance; a time of innumerable European astrologers ...

Then came the great period of the Renaissance; a time of innumerable European astrologers, such as J.B. Morin de Ville Franche, the French astrologer to Louis XIII and Louis XIV in France and his Astrologia Gallica, comprising a weighty twenty volumes. In 1666, Colbert and Louis XIV forbade the use, practice and teaching of astrology to the members of the Academy of Sciences. That decision marked the beginning of a decline in serious astrology in France as well as elsewhere in Europe.

From the end of the 19th century, there was a gradual revival then, between 1920-1940, thanks to such esteemed professionals as the German mathematician and astrologer, Dr Walter Koch whose Tables of Houses I use exclusively in medical astrology. The reality is that every case and all kinds of health problems have been proved on more than 1,500 charts.

Since the exploration of our solar system by NASA and the Soviet Union, a veritable avalanche of precise and valid data has been published which enables us to, at last, explain scientifically the multi-influence of the zodiac, the planets and probably the planetoids, on everything that lives on earth. Regarding the latter, any doubt expressed is solely because I do not work with Juno, Pallas or Ceres since adding too many different causes blurs the mind and the diagnosis, therefore, could prove to be incorrect.

It is primarily such spectacular discoveries as these which motivated me in my research in Medaps and Genaps. At last, I could refer to indisputable facts and make real progress. A person who has been of tremendous help is the French biologist, Etienne Guille who wrote: The Alchemy of Life. The first volume allowed me to understand the complexity of the mental and physical forces which rule our temperament, reactions and various pathologies.

After this very brief description of the history of medical astrology we reach the beginning of the 21st century and Medaps and Genaps.

The Foundation

Essential to this discipline are well-targeted, century old bases such as:

  1. The tropical zodiac and the influences of the signs
  2. The solar system and planets, including Chiron.
  3. The aspects, namely the classical ones: conjunction, opposition, square, semisquare, sextile, semisextile, trine, sesquisquare and inconjunct. Plus, the Kepler aspects: quintile and biquintile, septile and biseptile, which Bil Tierney called rare aspects in his best-selling book Perceptions in Astrology which I have translated into French for the Ed. du Rocher, Gnosis collection in 1986.

However, in Medaps, Genaps and all severe pathologies, following: these are not so rare. I heartily recommend that readers study all the charts in this book to satisfy themselves of the fact that almost all of them bear on of these Kepler aspects.

Also important is the new Karma aspect: the 165°, discovered by Zane Stein during his research on Chiron. This appeared in seventy-three of the 139 AIDS charts I have observed concerning this aspect.

The mid-points: After fifteen years of experience in Medaps and Genaps, it appeared to be futile to try and understand medical charts without the inclusion of the mid-points.

The most recent tools

  1. The quantified tropical zodiac emanating from the Hamburg Astrological School in Germany but useless without the "seedings" technique.
  2. The nodal chart
  3. The pre-natal eclipse of the Sun
  4. New concepts about sector/houses two and four.
  5. The eighth harmonic: 100 percent informer of heavy pathology, whatever the pathology. This, I have proven on hundreds of AIDS, cancer, Alzheimer, Parkinson's or mental pathology, such as schizophrenia, paranoia etc.
  6. The pre-natal eclipse of the Sun.
  7. The exact cusp of sector six. Its aspects to planets show, with less than 1° orb, where a heavy pathology will happen and the planet(s) involved in this particular process. Last, but not least, my Medaps scanner.
  8. I also intend to discuss these mysterious "seedings" to the American astrological world. I have already been well-received by a workshop in Phoenix, Arizona in October, 1983. The source of these is French astrologer, J.B. Morin de Villefranche, around 1650, when writing his Astrologica Gallica.

or forecasts there are only three methods on the birth chart that I use. These are as follows:

  1. Transits. Please refer to Robert Hand's book, Planets in Transit, which is one of the best on the subject.
  2. Solar arc progressions or 1° for one year of life. This provides good results with a leeway of about six months on each side of the birthday, preferably by taking the birthday solar arc.
  3. The exclusive French discovery by Mr. Gustave Arcivaux of Marseille, France. Namely the Humano Cosmic Time system, entirely based on astronomy, and the path of the earth around our Sun. For a full explanation please refer to my book on Medaps.
  4. This provides punctual forecasts for any one day of any year, without the ephemeris, just a table of houses, Koch or Placidus, since it concerns the ascendant column. But, before trying to use it on a Medaps case, one must set up the Medaps scanner, to be fully aware of the respective potentiality of each planet, as every natal planet will carry its natal potentialities throughout a person's life.
  5. Last of all, each year I set up a precession free lunar solar return for each person/patient which allows me to check the
    1. The evolution of any particular pathology.
    2. The changes that should be incorporated in treatment
    3. Whether surgery is advisable.
    4. The mental and physical state of the person concerned during the ensuing 365 days. It is unnecessary to say here that it is compulsory to compute and draw the fourteen lunations of the year thirteen plus the first one of the following year.

This is the methodology of a serious Medaps check-up.

The Nodal Chart I wish to explain here how to set up and interpret a Nodal Chart. Most of this information is taken from Robert Jansky’s book Astrology, Nutrition and Health (Para Research Ed.).

In his excellent book Karmic Astrology, Martin Schulman says, "It is generally accepted in the astrological community today that the nodes of the Moon represent the major key toward understanding your life as part of a continual thread.

Many astrologers believe that the nodes hold more importance than the rest of the chart. To a qualified expert, a knowledge of the Sun, Moon and nodal positions can reveal most of the life of the individual. Unfortunately, I cannot completely agree that the nodes are as widely accepted as he suggests, but I do agree most emphatically that a qualified expert can understand a person’s health from the Sun, Moon and nodal positions. The nodal chart at least can point up potential health problem areas that can be protected in a good program of preventive medicine.

The Ascendant represents the point in time when the physical body enters life as an independent being. The South Node of the Moon represents the past; the North Node of the Moon represents the future. The nodal axis of the horoscope is like the needle of a compass, with the North Node as the tip, pointing the direction in which the soul must travel during this lifetime.

In the birth process, the crown of the skull usually emerges from the mother first; the feet are the last to emerge. As Schulman points out, "The potentially weakest spot in any horoscope is the South Node..." And the potentially weakest spot in a newborn baby is the top of the head, because it is still quite soft. A sharp blow to this area could result in instant death. When we move from one place to another, the first part of the body to reach end touch this place is the foot. When you move about in the dark, which part of the body do you protect most? The head.

Thus, in constructing this nodal chart we place the South Node’s position on the first house cusp, the Ascendant; we place the North Node’s position on the seventh house cusp, the Descendant. The Ascendant represents the top of the head, and the Descendant, the soles of the feet. The horizontal axis connecting these two points represents the central axis of the body and also the spine. The center of the wheel does not represent the navel, as might be supposed, but rather what the Orientals refer to as the kundalini point, the point of connection between the physical and etheric bodies. This point is about two or three inches below the navel. In the contemplative statues of Buddha, he is contemplating this point, not the navel.

In traditional astrology, the first six houses represent one’s personal development, and the last six houses, one’s participation in group life. The Sun, representing the individuality and the ego, is linked most closely to personal development. The Moon, representing the public and external circumstances, is linked most closely to participation in the external environment. Traditional medical astrology links the Sun to the right side of the body and the Moon to the left side.

If we visualize the human body as lying face up on the nodal chart with the head at the Ascendant and the feet at the Descendant along the horizontal axis we can quickly see the proper anatomical correspondences. The first six houses represent the right side of the body, under the general rulership of the Sun; the last six houses represent the left side, under the general rulership of the Moon. The anatomical correspondences then fall into place as follows:

Houses twelve and one represent the head and neck with the second and twelfth house cusps falling along the axis of the collarbone.

Houses two and eleven represent everything in the chest cavity from the collarbone to the diaphragm, including the heart, with the third and eleventh house cusps falling along the axis of the diaphragm.

Houses three and ten represent the stomach, upper small intestine, liver, spleen and pancreas, extending down to an imaginary line through the kundalini point just below the navel.

Houses four and nine represent the lower abdomen, rectum, kidneys, bladder, large intestine and organs or reproduction, as well as the hips.

Houses five and eight represent the buttocks and upper legs, extending down to an imaginary line drawn through the center of each kneecap.

Houses six and seven represent the lower legs and feet.

In each case, houses one through six represent the right side of the region; houses seven through twelve, the left side.

Interpreting the Nodal Chart

We are now ready to place each planet by sign location in the nodal chart, just as calculated in the natal horoscope. The house location of each planet in the nodal chart gives us the keys to its interpretation. In doing this, we must keep in mind the symbolism of the planets. As you try this exercise with your own natal horoscope, I think you will be as startled and surprised as I and many of my students have been by the accuracy of this technique.

Let us see how each planet indicates potential or actual health problems.

The Sun

The Sun is the expression of our individuality and in terms of body language, the area of the nodal chart containing the Sun is often the most physically expressive part of the body. With a twelfth or first house Sun, the face (often the eyes) is the most expressive. With a second or eleventh house Sun, the hands are usually used freely in expression. With a sixth or seventh house Sun, tapping or crossing the feet or lower legs can be quite revealing of the person’s personality. A fifth or eighth house Sun, especially in a woman, can telegraph a very definite "come hither" message.

The Sun’s placement often indicates the area of the body that is most important to the individual’s professional activity. For example, a fifth or eighth house placement is important for an athlete (upper legs); a twelfth or first house placement can indicate someone whose profession depends on thinking; and a sixth or seventh house placement may indicate a dancer. The Sun’s placement also often indicates the part of the body that is used most. The Sun represents the father, and in many charts of individuals whose fathers have died, the Sun’s house placement indicates the area of the father’s body involved in the cause of death.

The Moon

The Moon represents the way in which we reach out to touch others emotionally. People with a second or eleventh house Moon tend to touch those to whom they are talking. It also represents the body fluids, and when the body does not handle fluids properly, they tend to accumulate in the area of the Moon’s placement.

The Moon represents the mother, and in many charts of individuals whose mothers have died, the Moon’s house placement indicates the areas of her body most closely involved as the cause of death.

The nodal house of the Moon sometimes indicates the area of the body that requires or attracts our greatest attention, either for health or cosmetic reasons. It is frequently the most tender or sensitive area to pain or stimulation. Most persons with a twelfth or first house Moon particularly dread going to the dentist. Individuals with a fourth or ninth house Moon are highly sensitive and responsive during sexual intercourse.


Mercury is associated with the nervous system and also with what we tend to worry about most. Nervous problems, if there are any, tend to manifest in the body region associated with Mercury’s nodal house placement. A right arm that is shaky after vigorous usage would be typical with Mercury in the second house. Also, one tends to worry most about the area of the body represented by Mercury’s nodal house placement. This region gets more conscious attention. Malefic aspects to Mercury in the chart make this phenomenon more apparent.


The region of the body occupied by Venus in the nodal chart is also quite sensitive to touch and stimulation; however, unlike the Moon, stimulation of this area tends to be more pleasure producing. This region is often the most physically beautiful portion of the body, provided it is not heavily aspected by malefics. A twelfth or first house nodal placement of Venus makes one "fair of face," a second or eleventh house placement of Venus greatly enhances woman’s figure.

Consciously or unconsciously, this region becomes very important during lovemaking. For an individual with a twelfth or first house Venus in the nodal chart, a kiss can be most meaningful and important. A hug or being held closely by one’s partner is especially meaningful when Venus is in the second or eleventh nodal house. A malefic aspect from Saturn to Venus often creates the desire but at the same time a certain fear connected with this area—a desire to be kissed, for example, but at the same time a fear of closeness.


Mars plays a very important role in the nodal chart, and its house position and aspects must be examined very closely. Mars’ house placement often indicates the area of the body most likely to be injured in an accident. Look for scars in this region. Frequency of accidents usually depends upon how Mars is aspected—the more malefic, the more accidents.

Mars, representing the muscular system, can signal the most muscularly developed area of the body. More important, however, the muscles in this area are most likely to become tense as a physical expression of mental tension.

With good aspects to Mars, the tension is more easily relieved; hard aspects tend to increase this tension. Because Mars represents inflammation and heat, its nodal location can indicate the warmest part of the body. If Mars is adversely aspected by Pluto, this area can be the site of the most frequent bacterial and viral infections. If Mars is adversely aspected by the Moon, this can be the area of physical manifestation of allergy, as the Moon is associated with allergic reactions. Persons with a twelfth or first house Mars frequently have a particularly difficult time with acne in their teens, unless Mars is well aspected. A person is likely to require surgery on Mars’ nodal region at some time; many with a nodal fourth house Mars have to have an emergency appendectomy.


Jolly old Jupiter symbolizes fat, and fat tends to accumulate most obviously in Jupiter’s nodal region. This area of the body tends to be larger in proportion to the other areas. With a fourth or ninth house Jupiter, the middle-age paunch is common. A first of twelfth house Jupiter usually signals a rather large head; a sixth or seventh house Jupiter, big feet etc. Jupiter also tends to protect this area of the body from harm; however, when that area is diseased, the problem is magnified.

Jupiter signifies overactivity, and its nodal zone is sometimes the area of the body that gets overused. People do not always recognize the physical limitations of this region and sometimes place excessive demands upon it, especially when both Jupiter and Mars are in the same region. For example, a first or twelfth house Jupiter may signal one who used his mind to the point of exhaustion; often a person with Jupiter in the fourth or ninth house may have low back pain from trying to lift heavy objects or from using the wrong muscles in lifting.

Finally, Jupiter sometimes signals physiological overactivity in its nodal region. For example, persons with Jupiter a in the first or twelfth may have an overactive thyroid gland or enlarged tonsils. Jupiter in the third or tenth would be classical for hypoglycemia.


Saturn’s nodal position is usually quite important for a number of reasons. Physically, this region tends to be under-developed or reduced in proportion to the rest of the body. Since Saturn rules hair, this area is frequently hirsute. Men with Saturn in the nodal first or twelfth usually have lots of head hair and are rarely bald. People with Saturn in the nodal second or eleventh often have thin or underdeveloped arms and/or chest, with lots of hair. If Saturn is retrograde, the hair is more on the upper back. With Saturn in the nodal fourth or ninth, the hips or waist tend to be narrower than normal.Saturn in the nodal sixth or seventh indicates thin ankles and small feet.

Saturn may signal underactivity or underdevelopment in its nodal region. For example, Saturn in the nodal first or twelfth often indicates impaired hearing or eyesight; an underactive thyroid or thymus gland; a very bony and angular head, which also tends to be rather small; in some cases retarded mental development or lowered intelligence; or reduced physical height because of Saturn’s effect upon the pituitary gland. The onset of puberty may also be delayed for the same reason.

Persons who have arthritis often have the most pain and the greatest joint disfigurement in the area that corresponds to Saturn’s location in the nodal chart. With Saturn in the eleventh or second house, we sometimes find congestive heart failure or emphysema. Persons with Saturn in the fifth, sixth, seventh or eight house sometimes are subject to phlebitis, in which the blood flow is blocked in some part of the legs. Bone spurs sometimes tend to develop in Saturn’s region. Blockage of fluid in some area is indicated when Saturn in that area is square or inconjunct the Moon.


Uranus is linked to the involuntary nervous system, most likely to the sympathetic nerve trunk. Since Neptune rules the parasympathetic nerve trunk, each trunk controls the functions of the other, opposites again keeping each other under control. Uranus can indicate greater freedom for the area it represent in the nodal chart, but also a lack of coordination with the other body parts, which sometime makes this area more subject to accidents. A nervous tic or involuntary twitch sometimes manifests in Uranus’ region if Uranus is under tension aspects.

Uranus is traditionally associated with intuition, especially when it is in the twelfth or first house, where its effect on the brain is emphasized. With Uranus in the eleventh house or, especially, the second, we have the typical healer or person with healing hands.


Many psychologists and physical culturists say that people are out of touch with their physical bodies. Neptune’s position in the nodal chart usually indicates the region with which we are most out of touch. Often pain is felt less severely here, or physical problems are overlooked for one reason or another. Diagnosing problems in this region becomes more difficult for the healer. Many people with Neptune in the nodal twelfth or first suffer from headache—migraine in particular—that is very difficult to diagnose and treat properly.

Neptune and Pisces rule the body’s defense mechanisms, and when nodal Neptune is under tension aspect, its nodal house location often indicates the site of frequent infections, especially with Mars square Neptune. The Neptune region is where toxins tend to accumulate, especially in the lymphatic system. Drugs sometimes have unpredictable and undesirable side effects on this region, especially with Uranus square Neptune.

Neptune in the twelfth or first house affects the brain, and the individual is likely to have special extrasensory abilities, such as precognition. Neptune in the second or eleventh house can give the fingers an exquisite sense of touch, and this placement is found in the nodal charts of many musicians and magicians. Neptune tends to sharpen the senses, especially touch, in the region it occupies, while paradoxically deadening response to pain at the same time.


Pluto is most closely associated with the hereditary materials of the cell, end when Pluto is under tension aspect, cell reproduction may go awry. The result can be as simple as a wart or as dangerous as a malignancy. Often moles and birthmarks are found in Pluto’s nodal area.

Pluto rules enzymes and tension aspects sometimes indicating problems with the enzyme systems that are in its nodal area Infections are more common here also.

Retrograde Planets

I should point out that a retrograde planet affects the back portion of the region in which it is located more than the front portion. For example, a retrograde Pluto in the eleventh house would indicate that any abnormal growths would be on the left portion of the upper back; if Pluto is direct, such growths would be on the left upper chest.

As a general rule, if a planet in the nodal chart is located in the house that represents the organ ruled by that planet, it tends to give greater strength to the organ, allowing it to function more efficiently. For example, the Sun rules the heart, and when the Sun is in the second or eleventh nodal house, the heart is stronger and more efficient and is thereby better able to resist potential problems, unless negative stressing aspects show the contrary.


It was at the end of 1987 that I first started to become fascinated with the correlation between a natal diagram with an individual genomic chart. I was already well familiar with traditional genetics, having studied the subject for many years but, at the same time had a large number of charts of cases of cancers, cardio-vascular problems, leukemia and various mental disease, including Alzheimers, which my mother suffered from during the last years of her long life (she died three days before her 93rd birthday).

It seemed self-evident that the numerous Oncogenes which had already been discovered, especially with regards to cervical and breast cancer, prostate, lungs etc., must be indicated in one way or another on a precisely computed and drawn natal chart.

Here I should mention that the AIDS Pandemia has been of enormous help in such research. This pandemia well and truly was the first step of a long path leading to Genaps.

It is well known and accepted by the medical/biological world, that a large majority of severe pathologies have a "cause of the cause" which is chromosomic. Hence, if there is a profound cause for such pathologies, it must appear on a precise natal chart.

For example, we know that the very heart of the symbolism of sector/house four is profound and that the IC is in the direction of the Earth compared to the zodiac and from the geographic place of birth. Earth is our principal support—that of our physical existence. In addition, the fourth sector symbolizes one of our geniters towards the child according to the role played by that parent both organically and psychologically.

This number four indicates our relationship with tradition, our past, our physical structure, our psychological pattern, our attitude and, maybe, the most important of all, the inherited memory of our human race, our ancestors ... our life.

The four represents also what is buried in the psychological sense. It is lung’s collective unconscious notion which is common to all humanity, simply because we are all biologically alike. It is not a function of our individual experience, but comes from our heredity and from experiences inevitably common to us all, whatever our race, culture or individual variations.

Up to a certain level of our unconscious, we are only one entity and there is no frontier separating the individuals, whether in our species or among animals. At that level we are all interconnected. The collective unconscious symbolized by the fourth is the umbilical cord which connects us to all conscious or unconscious life, it is the very roots of man.

Via such reasoning, I started studying the angular rapports between an I.C. following from an hour-minute of birth declared at that moment and the planet or planets implicated in this or that serious pathological process.

The exact angle between this or that planet and the I.C. helps to locate it exactly, thus also locating the M.C. position and the corresponding ascendant. Therefore, the Sidereal Time of Birth is followed by the Legal Time.

On the other hand, since I succeed with the Humano Cosmic Time technique used to rectify an approximate birth time, I can corroborate the two results, one is obtained by positioning the I.C. on an exact angle of a planet co-responsible for, for example, a Cancer, then on another part, rectifying this position by the H.C.T.

Comparing the two results it appears that the methods using the Oncogene are by far the most precise. Why? Simply because there is no human factor interfering with the process. Since the H.C.T. Technique necessitates knowing several important facts in the life of the subject, for each event, geographically located, we compute the H.C.T. corresponding to that event, position the progressed ascendant which enables us to rectify the starting point of the ASC, hence a new position of I.C., M.C. and DSC. However, there is inevitably a human error factor possible, as far as the precise date of the event; an error which will appear on the results of these calculations.

Let us take the example of this chart. It is the case of an osteosarcoma of the right femur developed on a young man born on May 11th, 1970 at 21.00 legal time, Bordeaux, France. I have followed this case since April 1991, when he was just twenty years old. His Sun is Taurus, Ascendant in Sagittarius, Moon in Leo. Let’s study his chart.

Sector 1 is in Sagittarius at 240°04’45" with the birth UT given by the birth certificate at 20h00m on May the 11th, 1970. Neptune is at239°45’46", hence practically on the ASC. Since we know that Neptune is co-responsible for the immune system (with the Pisces sign and Jupiter for a night birth), in this case Neptune is in direct 165° aspect to the Venus/Mars conjunction, in Gemini, sector seven then also that the conjunction Venus/Mars is semisquare to the Leo Moon, ruler of eight (eight is the circumstances of death), and that the six degree Taurus Mercury/Saturn conjunction is equally in a 165° aspect to this same Neptune and that the Taurus Sun is directly opposed to this same Neptune. Here we have a very severe case of a weak immune system.

In all heavy pathologies, including AIDS, cancer, Parkinsons, Duchene Myopathy, mucovicidose, Huntington chorea, etc., the I.S. (immune system) of the subject is extremely low. From the very onset of observing this chart, we can be positive that this young man is suffering from a severe disease.

Now, with this Leo Moon septile to Pluto mid-point to MC/Venus-Mars, and sesqui-square to the P.N.E, we can ascertain that the subject has a cancer, hence we will position the I.C. either to an aspect of the moon or Pluto (Cancer ‘signature’ is always some Moon - Pluto link). The 135° from the Moon falls at 348°20’, or very close to the I.C. computed from the declared birth time. Furthermore, we have a Pluto/So. Node midpoint at 345°50, a sextile of Mercury at 346°47’, not forgetting the P.N. at 346°44’. Hence, we have three planetary factors, pointing towards three oncogenes for that typical cancer of the right femur. Why did I chose the 135° coming from the Moon?

Because it is the highest planet on the right side of the chart

It is the ruler of sector eight

It is tied to Pluto, ruler of sector twelve, to Venus, Mars, Venus being ruler of six, Mars is the last ruler of four, end of life, tied also to Jupiter (the enlarging factor), ruler of sector one.

Last, but not least, because this Moon makes a "sending" of 120° exactly on the precise Sagittarius degree which shows: right femur, in the quantified tropical zodiac.

So, what more can we demand for proof of the value of Medaps and Genaps in medical astrology?

This 135° from the Moon sets the I.C. at 348°22’ M.C. at 168°22’, the ASC at 240°06, Sidereal time of birth at llhrl7m14s, the U.T. at 20h06m10s, the legal time in France in May 1970 at 21h6ml0s.

After a thorough study of this particular case, I can confirm the position of the I.C., hence the annual check-up of the anniversaries of 1992 and 1993 coincide perfectly with the observed facts from the regular doctor—and from the patient himself. This example, taken at random from dozens of similar serious cases, confirm the reality of this theory, concerning the I.C., bearing our chromosomic "baggage" and can be verified by any readers who want to investigate on their own.

There has obviously been considerable interest in this research, especially concerning prevention and treatment. In this particular case, we are in the presence of at least three oncogenes tied to Pluto, the Moon and Mercury. This is going to guide us and allow me to suggest that this particular organism will be reinforced if we are to bring it:


Cobalt is tied to Pluto, Potassium, Selenium, Silver, all are tied to the Moon, with Phosphorus tied to Mercury. In the same way, we are guided to specific vitamins which are related to Planets.

We can also see that, from the very first research study on this case, Genaps will be of precious assistance.

Genaps and DNA

As I was obtaining results with Genaps, I decided to delve further still and see if it was possible obtain information concerning our DNA. by observing our birth chart. What procedure should I follow?. Mentally, I kept repeating: Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine and Uracile, the four basis of DNA:, plus the Uracile. In a flash, it appeared to me A ... for Aries, T ... for Taurus, G ... for Gemini, C ... for Cancer and finally U ... for Uranus. So what do we have here? The answer is the four first signs of the Zodiac, linked to the beginning of the solar cycle of the Zodiac.

Is not the DNA surely the essential basis of our organisms? Then Aries whose indisputable ruler is Mars, is it not our brain? The analogy seems striking to me and just as clear is the connection between Aries—Adenine, Taurus—Thymine, Gemini—Guanine, Cancer—Cytosine, and Uranus—Uracile.

Therefore, if we are seeking confirmation of the good or bad functioning of our DNA we must only observe Aries and Mars (for day births) and Pluto for night births, then Taurus, Venus, Gemini and Mercury, Cancer and the Moon. Last of all, Uranus for Uracile.

It is then quite easy to see in each of the pathological cases, genetically speaking, how these signs and planets function.In each and every cue of a heavy pathology, several or all of these building blocks of our lives, are either deficient or broken.

Now let us study again the chart. Aries and Mars for Adenine are with Chiron, strongly stressed here. Mars in 103° to Neptune, negative, to 45° to the Moon, negative, to 135° to Jupiter, negative. Hence the Adenine malfunctions or is deficient.

Taurus and Venus for Thymine, we only have to observe the numerous stressing aspects to Venus, Saturn in Taurus, his negative aspects, etc.

Gemini and Mercury for Guanine

Cancer and Moon for Cytosine

Uranus and Aquarius for Uracile

And it works, checked by my colleague, Dr. G. Caubarrus with an electronic DNA analysis.

On the whole, we can observe that the DNA of our subject is extremely defective which is why the patient is suffering from cancer. In all the cases of severe and distinct pathologies that I have studied, I have always found through this procedure, the DNA, to be frail, deficient, broken. As for "cepare," this is derived from the completely new genetic therapy which is extremely complicated and not relevant here.

Notwithstanding, it appears that the homeopathic pharmacopoeias can, and already have some of these basis to administer to the patient—and with good results.

[ Go To: Part 2 ]


© Copyright: Guy de Penguern





Other articles by Guy de Penguern

de Penguern, GuyMedical Astrology: Medaps – Genaps, Part 2

de Penguern, GuyMedical Astrology: Medaps – Genaps, Part 3



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