Ten Paths to Creative Freedom Date Published: 6/1/1997Bernie Ashman is the author of Astrological Games People Play and RoadMap to Your Future, published by ACS Publications, Inc. as well as the Skyscope Birthchart Profile and the Prediction Report produced by Air Software. He has a large astrological practice in Durham, NC. Bernie serves clients throughout the United States and in other countries and has been a practicing Astrologer since 1974. He is a popular lecturer and will be speaking at the United Astrology Conference in Atlanta, Ga., in 1998.
Creativity is that elusive expression that resides in all human beings. Sometimes this energy feels so thick, it could be cut with a knife. It may come forward and though us with an intensity that is dynamically beyond our conscious mind. Creativity can guide a person to follow the deepest parts of his or her intuition. Then there are those frustrating moments that may begin as eagerness to create your masterpiece. You try to begin and it is like eating chicken broth with a fork! These invincible forces may eventually (in a painstaking way) weave their magic through our consciousness. When they have had their way with us, the evidence can be found in the world of form.
The ten planets can denote a unique part of creative energies. A gifted artist, writer, speaker, humanitarian, Astrologer, etc., is usually making use of several planetary themes. It is the mastering of these energies that can bring out our best to meet whatever challenge awaits us.
The Sun in the chart points to our particular way of falling in love with the creative impulse. It is the willpower to express ourselves. Relaxing into the creative experience can be a challenge. It is like parenting a child. That which is expressed or comes through us can feel like our child, whether it is a book, a new recipe, or a new way of being. Some individuals must find enough ego strength to let creative vitality come forward. Those with too much attachment to creative impulses may need to learn to let go.
The Moon is symbolic of our intimacy with creative energies. I recently did a consultation for an aspiring writer with the Moon in Gemini in the 8th house. She had trouble feeling close to the creative experience. Enjoying the feeling or process of writing was one of the hardest lessons for her to learn. The Moon is our inner child. It is symbolic of the intuitive energies that hold the hand of a child's imagination. It is a strong component of the creative experience. Letting our imagination lead us can be an important step to exploring creative energies. It can be that going beyond certain comfort zones will take us into new creative territory.
Mercury, the "winged messenger," represents our mental insight into creative energy. It can be a re-programming of the conscious mind to allow for a connecting to creative impulses. There can be a challenge, denoted by Mercury in the chart, to let go of an overly analytical conscious mind. Do not dig up the seed before it has had time to grow. We can be well into a creative process before the real depth develops. The conscious mind can distort the reality of the subjective beauty of creative forces. Mercury can indicate that some mental toughness needs to be learned to penetrate to the core of creative insight.
Venus symbolizes forming a relationship with creativity. Enjoy the sensuality as you are creating. Let it balance your psyche just by letting go to the dance of these forces. Self-esteem can be bathed by the beauty of following creative impulses. It could be that a more serene creative environment is needed. Some possessions near you that inspire creative urges can help.
Mars represents the courage to create. It can be breaking through the obstacles that stand in your way. The warrior planet can help some people become more assertive in the midst of creative processes. Watch out for the "hit and run" game. People with explosive, angry tendencies can find creative energies helping to channel this intensity more productively. This is a pattern of not following through, as described in my book, Astrological Games People Play. Sometimes a person needs to only get started and feel the internal fires aroused. The creative powers will carry him or her the rest of the way. It is finding the momentum to get started and to not look back that can be a challenge. Creativity can teach us about another Mars theme: anger. The creative process can expose hidden anger. People with explosive, angry tendencies can find creative energies helping to channel this intensity more productively. Jupiter symbolizes believing enough in the abundance of life that your creativity will come to fruition. A positive attitude combined with some Jupiter humor helps immensely! Faith can bring some luck. You may read a book or take a class that opens up creative doors. A teacher may inspire confidence and expand creative interests. Traveling on the mental and physical planes can bring out some creative spark.
Saturn is symbolic of the discipline and concentration that creativity involves. It is important to not try so hard that you lose interest in your creative forces. This planet indicates the power inherent in the commitment to your creativity. It is often fear in the creative process that stops many people from getting started. Taking small structured steps is the way to get through Saturn problems. Small little successes can lead to bigger ones later. I have done charts for many idealistic people disgusted with their creative energies. Sometimes their intuition has been difficult to focus. It is hard to finish a project without some goal or purpose in mind. Create a first step and stay focused on it. You may be surprised how easy it is to get going with a small creative success.
Uranus denotes forming a friendship with your creative side. This planet is great to balance the excess emotion and passion that creative forces awaken. Following a creative vision can liberate even more options. Uranus can symbolize the transformative growth in the creative process in expressing unique consciousness. Give yourself the freedom to go beyond societal and peer pressures. Try to not always wait for the support of others before embarking on your creative course. They just might join your enthusiasm while you're in the middle of your ride. Uranus can indicate that a support group may inspire confidence. Peers may stimulate creative insights.
Neptune represents merging with your intuitive forces. This planet indicates the need to let go to the right brain energies. Have faith in them. This is the spiritual link to your creativity. It is the intuitive vision and faith in something greater than you. It is the essence of intangible forces that give magic to your creativity. It is stepping out over the edge with your intuitive impulses and knowing something will hold you up. Neptune is escaping the ego just enough to capture the essence of the creative spirit.
Pluto represents forming a deep psychological bond with what you create. It is trusting your creative intensity. It is the personal power that is given rebirth through deep creative expression. Pluto is the death that can be experienced as a greater "you" comes through. This can be a psychological cleansing that can bring hidden fears into the light. Creative intensity can bring out some of our compulsive and obsessive energies. The passion expressed for your creativity can lead to growth. This planet can represent the marketability of your talent.
Creativity has no limits. It can be our communication, parenting, business dealings, etc. There are often doors waiting for each of us to enter. Sometimes these doors need an extra push. It can be our own fears or self-consciousness that keeps them a closed mystery. It does not matter when you open a creative door. When you walk through, it is like you have been on this new side of the door all the time!
© Copyright: Bernie Ashman
Other articles by Bernie Ashman:
Saturn: The "Cosmic Chiropractor"