ABC Basic Delineation #3 — The Overview #2 Date Published: 10/01/2000Marion March is a noted teacher, lecturer and writer on astrology, as well as a valued astrological counselor in her own right, and the mentor of many younger astrologers. With Joan McEvers, she is the author of a series of comprehensive instructional books: The Only Way to Learn Astrology in five volumes, which has gone through many editions, and has been translated (and published) in several languages besides English including German, Spanish and Portuguese.
This “golden” father/daughter team has gathered quite a few Oscars and special awards in its distinguished motion picture career. Both Fondas are creative – Henry’s chart ruler, Neptune, is right on the cusp of the 5th house, opposite Uranus which is angular and the highest planet in the horoscope; to help him express this creativity, Neptune trines the Ascendant, and to give him the discipline necessary to succeed, it also trines Saturn.

Jane’s chart ruler is in the 5th house, with Venus thrown in for extra creativity and enjoyment of all 5th house matters. To help Jane communicate her natural exuberance, her Sun is involved in a grand trine with her first house Moon and her Midheaven, giving her additional opportunities [for] artistic expression.
To add the discipline necessary for any extended career and “star” status, Jane has a strong Saturn; to give her plenty of challenges, probably more than necessary, there are two strong T-squares, one with the Sun and the other with the MC as focal point.
Both Fondas have a "Boomerang" to cope with (in fact, Jane is blessed with two). In Henry’s case, that difficult configuration has his MC and Moon sextile each other, both inconjunct Jupiter which is opposite Mars. Jane’s Boomerangs involve Pluto inconjunct Mars and the Sun, opposite Jupiter and the Moon inconjunct to Saturn and Jupiter while opposing mars. The difficulty lies in handling the two inconjuncts; the challenge of the oppositions and opportunity of the sextile are much easier to handle and will push the need to adjust or reorganize (the inconjuncts) into the background.
Whereas Jane has plenty of get-up and go, Henry lacks squares and has no planets in the houses of life; but he does have a few healthy oppositions to spur him into action, enough succedent planets to stick it out and Saturn conjunct his Ascendant to make it imperative for him to succeed and prove himself.

Jane’s most exact square is the Sun to Saturn, indicating a deep need to prove herself to her father. She resented him for many years and felt that he denied her the love and tenderness she was entitled to. (She probably also blamed him for her mother’s suicide.)
There are many contacts between the two horoscopes showing love, respect, irritation, competition and friendship. To illustrate a few: Henry’s Mars opposes Jane’s Uranus and squares her Ascendant, forming a T-square. A second T is formed by Henry’s Pluto opposing Jane’s Venus and squaring her Neptune.
Jane’s Sun conjuncts Henry’s Uranus, her Mars his Saturn, her Venus his MC, her MC his Mercury and it trines his Uranus. Henry’s Venus forms a grand fire trine with Jane’s Sun and Moon. His Moon sextiles her Venus and his mars her Mercury and there are all the cross placements to be considered. (His Sun places in her 10th house, his Mars in her 4th and more than we have time for in this brief description.)

To round out the “On Golden Pond” picture, I include Katherine Hepburn’s chart. Although the data is “dirty,” (there are a few “official” dates floating around), I thought it might be fun to have all three.
Editor’s note:
[Henry Fonda won an Academy Award (Oscar) for his role in “On Golden Pond.” It was his last movie role. He was seriously ill at the time of the awards, and died a short time later. Jane Fonda had few, if any roles after this film, and has mostly retired from filmmaking.]
© Copyright: Marion March
Other articles by Marion March
ABC Basic Delineation #2 – The Overview
ABC Basic Delineation #4 – Britain Hails a Future King
ABC Basic Delineation #6 – Correct Birth Data
ABC Basic Delineation #8 – Basic Chart Patterns
ABC Basic Delineation #9 – Basic Chart Patterns
ABC's of Delineation: The 'See-Saw' Chart Pattern
A Different Approach to Vocational Aptitudes
Hey Baby! Interpreting the Chart for Small Children
Saturn - Teacher, Taskmaster & Friend