2 articles for "Relationship Chart"
Relationship Chart [Astro*Index]A type of chart used in synastry or chart comparison, pioneered by British astrologer Ronald Davison. Not to be confused with the composite chart. This chart is cast for the midpoint in time and space between two births, and is said to represent the potentialities in any relationship between two individuals. It treats the relationship as if it were an entity with its own geniture. Davison himself states (in Synastry, p. 244) that he was led to this technique through a generalization of the idea of secondary directions. Not only should the astrologer consider the "day for a year" of traditional secondary directions, by also a "day for a month", a "day for a week", and a "day for a day". Now, the latter is tantamount to a transit. And if a transit may be regarded as a secondary direction, then it should be meaningful to consider both direct and converse transits, the latter being understood as planetary transits prior to the moment of birth. The moment when the direct or "progressed" transit of the older individual is the same as the converse or "regressed" transit of the younger is just the midpoint in time between the two births, which Davison surmises will "provide an astrological summary of the inherent possibilities of a relationship between them." The calculation of the midpoint in time from the birthtimes of two individuals is straightforward. The calculation of the midpoint in space is open to interpretation. Davison himself took the mean of the two longitudes and the two latitudes and determined the house cusps in terms of the mean latitude. However, it also makes geographical sense to divide the great circle distance between the two birthplaces in half. This results in a different midpoint than in Davison's technique, and also affects the determination of the house cusps.
See also:Relationship Chart [Prima]
♦ Davison, Ronald ♦ Synastry ♦ Composite Chart ♦ Chart Comparison ♦ Midpoint ♦ Secondary Distance ♦ Transit ♦ House Cusp ♦ Great Circle
A synastry or chart-comparison technique pioneered by British astrologer Ronald Davison — not to be confused with the composite chart. The relationship chart is cast for the midpoint in time and space between two births and is said to represent the potentials of the relationship itself. It treats the relationship as if it were an entity with its own geniture.
The calculation of the midpoint in time of the two birthtimes is straightforward. The calculation of the midpoint in space is open to interpretation. Davison himself took the mean of the two longitudes and the two latitudes and determined the house cusps in terms of the mean latitude. However, it also makes geographical sense to divide in half the great-circle distance between the two birthplaces. This results in a different midpoint than Davison's and also affects the determination of the house cusps.
See also:
♦ Davison, Ronald ♦ Synastry ♦ Composite Chart ♦ Chart Comparison ♦ Midpoint ♦ Secondary Distance ♦ Transit ♦ House Cusp ♦ Great Circle
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