Run Time Error 5 & 6, Overflow:
- Right-Click the desktop icon of the program and choose properties.
- At the bottom of this new window click on Find Target or Open file location.
- In the Matrix folder you want to find the file marked WStarExp.ini.
- t is about a 3 KB big configuration file that has an icon that looks like a note pad with
a gold wheel or gear on top of it.- Delete this WStarExp.ini file and then reopen Win*Star Express and it should be
operating correctly now.
NOTE: If you are getting the error in an application other than Win*Star Express...
Check the list below and delete the file associated with the program giving you the error.
Winstar Plus (2.0) | winstar.ini |
WinWriter | winwrite.ini |
WinWriter Express | wwexpr.ini |
Winning Times | winning.ini |
Day Watch | wstarcal.ini |
Tarot | tarot.ini |