For those of you with installation cd's or saved download links created prior to September 2007 please contact us first before installing. These installations are not Vista compatible. You will need fresh download links or replacement cd's.
If you have already installed the software please go to c:\program files and delete the Matrix folder.
Then download and run this file: Regdel.exe
Reboot and you can then install from fresh download links or replacement cd's.
Always go with the default installation location on Vista.
Additonal Notes:
The above instrucitons can also be used to reinstall the software.
Be sure that all installation folders are deleted before running regdel and rebooting.
(The correct installation location for Vista and Win7 is "c:\users\'your username'\" etc.)
Be sure to backup your charts first if need to save them! How to Backup Your Charts
Support for old software
Company policy places limits on the age of our software than we can support.
For technical reasons we can no longer support software older than 2005 on windows XP or older than 2008 on Vista and later. We do not support versions of windows prior to XP nor DOS.
If you have any technical issues with older software you will be asked to update or upgrade to the appropriate version of our software for the version of windows installed on your machine.
For upgrade prices please contact Matrix Sales by phone: 1-800-Planets — (352) 373-1504
or you can email us at