13 articles for "Diurnal"
Diurnal [Astro*Index]Belonging to the day; found in the day sky; thus a body in the upper half of a chart. The opposite of nocturnal (by night).
See also: ♦ Day ♦ Nocturnal Semi-ArcDiurnal [Munkasey M.]
A word used in reference to the Earth's daily 24 hour rotational motion.
See also: ♦ Day ♦ Nocturnal Semi-ArcDiurnal [DeVore
Of or belonging to the day: as the apparent diurnal motion of the planets resulting from the axial rotation of the Earth (v. Motion).
D. Arc: Measurement, in degrees, of the arc a celestial body traverses from its rising to its setting.
D. Houses. v. Houses, Rulers of.
D. Planets. v. Planets.
D. Ruler, that which rules by day.
D. Triplicities: the Fire Trigon for the Sun; and so on. v. Dignities: Rulers of the Triplicities.
See also: ♦ Motion ♦ Ruler ♦ Planets ♦ DignitiesDiurnal Aberration [Astro*Index]
See also: ♦ Astronomy ♦ Geocentric LatitudeDiurnal Chart [Astro*Index]
A daily transit chart cast using the current date with the natal time and location; governs a single day in an individual's life. Some use an individual's current location and some use local mean time (LMT). This chart is a kind of daily solar return approximating natal Sun/ascendant angle (around the birthday, natal house cusps are also approximated). It is used as a "good days/ bad days" horoscope, good days judged as those on which Venus, Jupiter, or the Moon are positioned at the angles, and bad days as those on which Mars and Saturn (some astrologers include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are positioned at the angles. Aspects to the angles are also considered. The diurnal chart is also useful as a transit chart giving general trends for day with a set of angles having personal significance, as opposed to a chart cast for an arbitrary time such as midnight or noon where the angles have personal relevance only coincidentally. Planetary angularity runs in streaks according to the pattern of planets in the sky and the progress of the angles through the zodiac. If the sun is at the midheaven natally, it will remain near the midheaven in all diurnal charts, since its diurnal motion is close to the motion of the midheaven a specific time on one day to the same time on the next day. Pairs or groups of planets can remain in mutual angularity (parans) for several days. Astrologers also pay attention to aspects, especially conjunctions, of diurnal planets to natal planets, with particular regard to the house in which the diurnal planet is positioned. For example, transiting moon from the eighth house of the diurnal chart conjunct natal sun. This kind of "personal new moon" would have an eighth house flavor.
See also: ♦ Local Mean Time ♦ ParanDiurnal Circle [Astro*Index]
A small circle on the celestial sphere parallel to the celestial equator; the apparent path followed by a celestial object due to the rotation of the Earth, excluding any proper motion of the body itself.
See also: ♦ Small Circle ♦ Celestial Sphere ♦ Celestial EquatorDiurnal Circle [Munkasey M.]
A circle, which is not a great circle, formed when a circle is drawn in space parallel to the Celestial Equator.
See also: ♦ Small Circle ♦ Celestial Sphere ♦ Celestial EquatorDiurnal Libration [Astro*Index]
An effect of parallax due to the Earth's rotation. With the Moon on the horizon, an observer's line of sight is offset about 1° from the line of centers. The observer can thus see about 1° beyond the limb that would be displayed if the Moon were at the zenith.
See also:Diurnal Parallax [Astro*Index]
♦ Geocentric Parallax ♦ Zenith ♦ Parallax
A change in the appearance of the Moon due the Earth's shifting point of view with regard to the Moon.
See also:Diurnal Rotation [Astro*Index]
♦ Geocentric Parallax
Daily rotation of a body upon its axis. For the Earth, the motion takes place from west to east.
(Revolution of a body refers to its orbital motion about some central body.)
See also:Diurnal Semi-Arc [Astro*Index]
♦ Axial Rotation ♦ Earth, Motions of
The portion of the diurnal path of a celestial body between the horizon and the meridian.
See also:Diurnal Semi-Arc [Munkasey M.]
♦ Diurnal ♦ Horizon ♦ Meridian
An arc measured in degrees along the CelestialEquator from the Horizon to the Meridian in a rising direction.
See also:Diurnal Signs [Astro*Index]
♦ Diurnal ♦ Horizon ♦ Meridian
The masculine signs Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
See also:
♦ Masculine Sign ♦ Polarity ♦ Positive Signs
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine