17 articles for "Lunar"
Lunar [DeVore]Relating to the Moon.
See also:Lunar Day [Astro*Index]
♦ Annual Equation ♦ Gibbous Moon ♦ Metonic Return ♦ Evection ♦ Karana ♦ Periodical Lunation ♦ Variation ♦ Gabriel ♦ New Moon ♦ Spring Tide ♦ 144 Polarities of the Moon ♦ Neomenium ♦ Void of Course ♦ Harvest Moon ♦ Dichotome ♦ Increasing in Light ♦ Saros Cycle ♦ Interlunar ♦ Wane ♦ Lagging Tide ♦ Balsamic Moon ♦ Tidal Forces ♦ Quarter Moon ♦ Easter ♦ Full Moon ♦ Flood Tide ♦ Metonic Cycle ♦ Synodic Lunation ♦ Priming Tide ♦ Moon ♦ Libration ♦ Moisture ♦ Libration in Latitude ♦ Libration in Longitude ♦ Saros ♦ Illumination, Period of ♦ Lunation, Synodical ♦ Epact ♦ Lunar Month ♦ Crescent ♦ Phase ♦ Lunar Phases ♦ Appulse ♦ Lunation ♦ Embolismic Lunation ♦ Mansions of the Moon ♦ Ebb Tide ♦ Lunar Declination ♦ Tithi ♦ Mare ♦ Hunter's Moon ♦ Athazer ♦ Neap Tide ♦ Crescent Moon ♦ Jonas Birth Control ♦ Moon, Declination of ♦ Lunar Gaps ♦ Apogee ♦ Apolune ♦ Perilune ♦ Semicircle
The interval between two consecutive transits of the Moon across the Upper Meridian of a place, about 24h54m.
See also:Lunar Declination [DeVore]
♦ Transit
The moon's declination varies from year to year. A maximum (18°+) occurred in March 1932 and in 1941. The reason for the variation is the regression of the Moon's nodes. The ecliptic is inclined to the celestial equator by 23°2'. The moon's apparent path on the celestial sphere is inclined to the ecliptic on an average of 5°8', but the intersection points, the nodes, move relatively fast, covering 360° in about 19 years. When the Moon's ascending node lies at the Vernal equinox, the angle between the Moon's apparent path and the equator is at the greatest, for 23°27' must be added to 5°8' making 28°35'. Half a revolution later, or about 9« years, the descending node is at the Vernal equinox, and the angle between the moon's path and the equator is at the least, and 5°8' is subtracted from 23°27', giving 18°19'. The more the moon's path is inclined to the equator, the greater is the declination.
See also:Lunar Eclipse [Astro*Index]
♦ Lunar ♦ Declination
An eclipse of the Moon. This occurs at Full Moon when the Earth blocks the light of the the Sun, causing a shadow to fall on the Moon. A lunar eclipse may be partial or total.
See also:Lunar Eclipse [Munkasey M.]
♦ Partial Lunar Eclipse ♦ Total Lunar Eclipse ♦ Eclipse
An eclipse of the Moon, where the Earth's shadowblocks the light which is sent by the Sun, causing a shadow to fall on the Moon. The eclipse may be partial or total. During a Lunar Eclipse the Earth is physically between the Sun and the Moon.
See also:Lunar Gaps [Astro*Index]
♦ Partial Lunar Eclipse ♦ Total Lunar Eclipse ♦ Eclipse
Electional astrology. Eastern astrology.
Articulation points or "windows" in the lunar cycle analyzed in minute detail for purposes personal insight into the larger situation. In both eastern and western traditions, there is general agreement that the two or three days preceding the new moon are difficult ones, which require special observation. These days are the so-called "dark of the moon," or devil's days, days when the darker forces have some power. It is quite clear from Eastern teachings that the moments of full and new moon are times when the various channels in the psychophysical body are somehow aligned (which is not to say that these are days of peace and quiet). In particular, the 29th day, called Dharma Protector Day, is a time given over to purification and preparation for the moment of the new moon. Ritual fastering, confession of errors, and the like are common practices. In a similar vein, the days just prior to the full moon (the 13th and 14th days) are also given over to purification; the various guardian and protector deities are again invoked, but in a more restrained way.
Aside from the new and full moon, the two most auspicious lunar days in the East are the 10th and the 25th. The 10th day (108-120 degrees of solunar angular separation), called Daka Day, is considered auspicious for invoking the father-line deities (the masculine). The 25th day (288-300 degrees of solunar angular separation), called Dakini Day, is given over to the feminine principle and the mother-line deities. These are formal feast days given over to observation, extra offerings, and increased awareness.
There are many other days of lesser importance. The 8th and 23rd days are auspicious for health and healing. The 8th day (solunar angular separation of 84 to 96 degrees) is called Medecine Buddha Day and occurs in the male or father-line half of the month. The 23rd day (264 to 276 degrees), occurring in the feminine half of the month, is dedicated to Tara practice. The 9th and 19th days are noted as days of purification when protector deities should be invoked and kept in mind.
See also:Lunar Mansions [DeVore]
♦ Fire Puja ♦ Tara ♦ Electional Astrology ♦ Angular Separation
v. Mansions of the Moon.
See also:Lunar Month [Astro*Index]
♦ Mansions of the Moon ♦ Fire Puja ♦ Tara ♦ Electional Astrology ♦ Angular Separation
The synodic month or time between two New Moons. It varies slightly, between 29.25 and 29.75 days. The figure usually given for the lunar month is the value of the mean, or average, synodic month, 29.53059 days.
See also:Lunar Month [DeVore]
♦ Synodic Month ♦ New Moon
Lunar Month, or more correctly a Synodic Month. The total of the Moon's annual travel in excess of that of the Sun, when reduced to time, gives the duration of the mean synodic revolution of the moon, or the lunar month, as 29.531 days, or 29d. 12h. 44m. 2.8s., in which period the Moon returns to its former position in relation to the Sun. The Sidereal Month is 27.322 days.
See also:Lunar Node [Astro*Index]
♦ Synodic Month ♦ New Moon
The north and south lunar nodes are determined by the intersection of the Moon's orbital plane and the ecliptic. The north lunar node, also called the ascending, is where the Moon crosses the ecliptic from south to north. The south lunar node is the descending node. In oriental astronomy and astrology, the moon's nodes have been associated with a dragon, which devours the Sun or Moon during an eclipse; the north lunar node is caput draconis, or the "head of the dragon," and the south lunar node is cauda draconis, or the "tail of the dragon." Ptolemy refers to the lunar nodes in a discussion of bodily injuries and diseases in Tetrabiblos III.12: [translate Robbins p. 325 lines 17ff beginning with "Again"]. In other words, if the new or full moon — especially at an eclipse or square to the nodal axis or in one of the five signs mentioned — "bears upon" angular Mars or Saturn, or vice versa, then various body deformation results. Some astrologers treat the Moon's nodes in much the same manner as if they were physical bodies, i.e., similar to planets.
See also:Lunar Phases [Astro*Index]
♦ Caput Draconis ♦ Mean Node ♦ True Node ♦ Sensitive Point ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Cauda Draconis
The shapes in which the Moon appears as viewed from the Earth. These are usually divided into four: New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter. Some texts subdivide these further, usually halving them to produce eight phases, adding 4 more to the above list: Crescent (between New Moon and First Quarter, or between Last Quarter and New Moon); and Gibbous (between First Quarter and Full Moon, or between Full Moon and Last Quarter).
See also:Lunar Phases [Prima]
♦ Moon
The divisions of the lunar cycle — usually four or eight. The names of the phases reflect the shapes of the Moon as viewed from the Earth.
New Moon | 0° (to 45°) of the cycle (or conjunction to waxing semisquare): birth, emergence, new beginnings, new directions. |
Crescent Moon | 45° (to 90°) of the cycle (or waxing semisquare to waxing square): expansion, struggle, crystallization of ideas or direction. |
First Quarter | 90° (to 135°) of the cycle (or waxing square to waxing sesquiquadrate): a crisis point in the cycle, expression and activation of ideas or direction. |
Gibbous | 135° (to 180°) of the cycle (or waxing sesquiquadrate to opposition): analysis and evaluation, the overcoming of obstacles. |
Full Moon | 180° (to 225°) of the cycle (or opposition to waning sesquiquadrate): culmination, fulfillment, perfect realization. |
Disseminating | 225° (to 270°) of the cycle (or waning sesqui- quadrate to waning square): demonstration and performance, distribution. |
Last Quarter | 270° (to 315°) of the cycle (or waning square to waning semisquare): crisis of consciousness. |
Balsamic | 315° (to 360°) of the cycle: (or waning semisquare to conjunction): release from the past, preparation for and commitment to the future. |
See also:Lunar Return [Astro*Index]
♦ Moon
An astrological chart computed for the date and time when the the transiting Moon returns to the exact position in the zodiac where it was at the time of the native's birth. It is, normally, computed for the place of residence on that date. If calculated using a Sidereal zodiac, the chart is known as a Sidereal Lunar Return; if the Tropical zodiac is used, the chart is called a Tropical Lunar Return.
See also:Lunar Semicircle [DeVore]
♦ Astrological Chart ♦ Transit ♦ Sidereal Zodiac ♦ Tropical Zodiac
From Aquarius to Cancer inclusive.
See also:Lunar Year [Astro*Index]
♦ Sign
Twelve lunar months, totalling 354 days. This is 11.25 days shorter than the solar year. It was the basis for many early calendars and is still used for the religious calendars of the Jews and Muslims.
See also:Lunar Year [DeVore]
♦ Solar Year
Twelve lunar months, a total of 354 days – 11¬ d. shorter than the Solar year. Its point of beginning passes through the circle of seasons in about 34 lunar years. It is used by modern Jews and Mohammedans. In the early days of Greece the year was regulated entirely by the Moon, and Solon was among the first who attempted to reconcile the Solar and Lunar years by a system of intercalations.
See also:
♦ Solar Year
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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